About Phagwa (Holi) and music

About Phagwa (Holi) and music

Production Sounds new
Did you pick up a free copy of my first Chutney Soca mix Cd?  Well if not get your free copy at Montreal Caribbean Curry House (CDN) and Chef de la Maison (LA SALLE) or contact me via email. This mix is a project I decided to do upon returning from Trinidad carnival.
It features 2016 Chutney Soca hits and some old classics by artist like Babla & Kanchan, Terry Gajraj, Drupatee, Sonnyman and more.
This mix also gears you up for Phagwa, also known as Holi.  Phagwa in 2016 will start on Wednesday, March 23 and will continue for two days.
Phagwa celebrates the Hindu New Year, announcing the arrival of spring and the triumph of life over death. This ancient Hindu festival has been celebrated in India for many centuries. It came to Trinidad and Tobago with the arrival of Indian labourers in 1845.
Trinidad & Tobago being a multi-ethnic, multi-religious country, the whole community always gets involved, even if it is to just watch.
The origin of Phagwa or Holi can be traced to the Hindu holy scriptures Vishnu Purana in which there is the story of an evil King Hiranyakashipu who wanted to destroy his own son Prahalad for worshipping God and not him (the king).
According to the scriptures, Hiranyakashipu then made a plot with his sister Holika to destroy the child Prahalad by fire, for being disobedient to him.
Instead, Holika perished in the inferno while Prahalad survived, thus establishing victory for good deeds over evil ones.
This year marks 171 years of Phagwa celebrations in Trinidad and Tobago.  Outside of India, the land of its origin, Phagwa is also celebrated in the Hindu kingdom of Nepal and in Guyana, Suriname, England, United States, Canada, Fiji, and Mauritius and in several other countries where Hindus reside.
With the founding of the National Phagwa Council in 1967 in Trinidad, Phagwa came into national prominence.
Celebrations promoted by that organisation are still being held at the Aranjuez Savannah in San Juan where I grew up.
It’s a Carnival like atmosphere as willing participants are sprayed with a variety of coloured dyes called “Abir”.
When the adults take the stage, large trucks with celebrants soaked in a variety of colours travel around the country to various venues matching skills with other groups in chowtal singing, dhantal playing and drumming.
Some tassa groups also enter the arena to add some heavy drumming for participants to dance.
While abir spraying is the order of the day with some introductory chowtal singing, the main event is the live televised broadcast of its Pichkaree song contest to the nation.

 Island Facts :
– Mar 19th  2001 –  Jamaican-Born West Indies Cricket Team captain Courtney Walsh becomes the first man to take 500 test wickets during a match in Port-Of-Spain.
– Mar 22nd 1986 – Jamaican boxer Trevor Berbick wins the WBC world heavyweight title by upsetting Pinklon Thomas with an  unanimous decision .
Be free to send your feedback on any of my articles to
Productionsounds@gmail.com or Instagram @Productionjr

Production Sounds Chart
1 Cheer of Life – Voice
2 Bon Mon Ami – Angela Hunte
3 Oh Yah (remix) – Olatunji & Runtown
4 Human – Machel Montano
5 People – Kes
6 Party – Shal Marshall
7 Trouble – M1
8 Scene – Nutron
9 Road Trip – Machel Montano
10 Normal – Destra
 Soca Sessions – Saturday 2am to 4am (90.3FM)
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