A True love story

A True love story

Love that the skies cannot contain

There is a beautiful hymn that starts off by saying that the love of God is so great that no tongue and no pen can truly express it; yet here I am about to attempt to do just that.
If I continue to reference the hymn, written by Frederick Lehman; the author goes as far as to challenge us to consider the oceans as ink and the skies as paper with a sole purpose to document from every man, woman and child’s experience of the love of God. He shortly thereafter concludes that the mission would be futile.
Whether the Pacific managed to pour out into the Southern, or the Arctic loaned its precious H2O to the Atlantic, or even if the Indian ocean joined forces with the other four oceans of our planet; there would not be enough water to fill the skies with the testimonies of God’s love.

There are popular love songs that talk about walking 10 000 miles to get to the one they love or the one they miss. Can you consider that God will go any distance? Even across the globe at roughly 25 000 miles, even across the galaxy or better yet, from heaven to earth, just to be with his beloved.
Isn’t that food for thought; to think of God as the romantic protagonist of classic love songs?
Well, God is LOVE! And my previous question is actually more than a thought provoking illustration; it’s reality. God literally left His throne in heavenly places to legally transcend through all natural and spiritual laws to take on the form of mankind in order to reconcile himself to the ones He loves most.
Think about it God is surrounded by hosts of angels, cherubim’s, seraphims in heaven yet He longed for and missed the fellowship and relationship he established with mankind. Might I add, it’s not just a love for the human race but an intentional, intimate and purposeful affection for each individual He created and foreknew before they were conceived in the womb of their mother. This is God’s LOVE for YOU!
God says He knows you. He rejoices over you with singing and delights in you because of His love for you (Zachariah 3:17). Ever since the moment you were conceived, He missed you but longed for you to grow to come to know Him once more. Like a lover who had eyes on you before you even knew their name. God has had and still has His eyes on you anticipating the time you spend together. Like a gentleman, He patiently waits.
We have been exploring prayer for months now but at times, we need to get back to basics. Prayer is important; vital even. Inasmuch, because prayer is a conversation, an interaction and a relationship between God and Man; be encouraged to know that the one to whom you speak when you pray, has immeasurable love for you.
A redeeming love overflowing with patience, kindness, and a protective character convinced that YOU are worth dying for and suffering for. Even if we were to momentarily pretend that sin had no other dangers attached to it; God would do it all over again for the sake of reuniting with you and walking and talking with you in the cool of the day or in secret places.
All of this to say; God sees you, loves you and rejoices at the sight of you. He is so smitten by you, that He has made a way for you to be with Him and talk to Him any second of any moment.


None can be reconciled to God but through Christ (John 3:16).

The next time you talk to God, I encourage you to look into His eyes of Love, and as you do, the cares of the world will fade away.