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On November 28, Montrealers are being offered an opportunity to steer their minds away from the lingering fears of the COVID-19 crisis when the Black Community Resource Centre (BCRC) joins forces with the Quebec Anglophone Heritage Network, to present an evening of online entertainment featuring an extended line-up of some of our community’s most exciting performers.
Organizers say the online event comes at a time when live music, which is at the heart of cultural and community life for many, has been in a precarious situation since last March, when the world went into lockdown.
That’s why lovers of music and the performing arts are invited to catch what is described as a sampling of Montreal’s Black musical heritage on November 28.

And they point to the contributions of Black Quebecers to our province and nation’s musical heritage are both diverse and profound.
Identifying Little Burgundy’s jazz music pioneers like Oliver Jones, Oscar Peterson, and their teacher Daisy Peterson Sweeney; along with all the uplifting Gospel music that has been a cornerstone of worship in churches like Union United and many others.
As well, since the 1950s, the city’s growing Caribbean community cultivated rich calypso, steel pan, and folk dance and drumming scenes.
So far organizers have booked performances – live and pre-recorded – by artists such as the West-Can Folk Performing Company; Kim Sherwood and the Men’s Gospel Choir of Union United Church; LaSalle’s youth mentor and hip-hop artist Todd Smith; and youth mentor and songwriter Michael Farkas and the lineup continues to grow.
This massive musical extravaganza will be carried on BCRC’s Facebook Live page ( from 7 pm to 9:30 pm.
Montrealers are invited to tune in live to catch the musical talent. However, the video will remain available on the BCRC Facebook page afterwards for later viewing for anyone who misses it live. More info in our upcoming publication.