Life is too short for you to waste precious years holding on to unwanted bitterness, hate, and unforgiveness….

Did you start the year with a new year’s resolution?
Perhaps to improve your health, exercise more, eat healthier, spend more time with family?
As we successfully put our first month of 2020 behind us, it is time to check our goals and resolutions. Did you set them realistically and will it truly improve your way of living. God is saying, it is time to forgive and forget.
Many of us need to set a goal to forgive. Countless people out there are still nursing past pains and hurts. Do you realize that this behaviour is also destroying your health? Some of you do not even have any more storage space in your heart to put all those childhood painful traumas. 2020 is your year to let it go, forgive and forget it all. Forgiveness will help you walk into unlimited freedom.
Unforgiveness or resentment can hinder you from giving or receiving love. Unforgiveness can also cause sickness; so if you’re striving for improved health, this year, I encourage you to keep reading and to consider forgiveness.
Forgiveness must be the first step towards a healthy recovery. The minute you make up your mind to forgive, every feeling of anger, rage or resentment toward the other party will just dissolve. It is a spiritual law that God has put in place to help us in life. As a result, we must learn to forgive and forget. We must be willing to uncover the past pain and hurt and throw it all away by faith.
So many people become very bitter because they refuse to forgive and let go.
It does not matter what [it] is, just make up your mind that this year you will be the first one to pick up the phone and say “I am sorry” or “I forgive you”.
Prolonged unforgiveness should not be a part of your life anymore.
Many families are now in a big prison called unforgiveness. Most people struggling with the spirit of unforgiveness have stomach problems such as indigestion, ulcers, heartburn, female disorders, forms of cancer, migraine headaches and more commonly, arthritis pain; because they hold onto the hurt, the pain or the secret for too long.
Remember the mind and body are all connected to the body so it will develop illnesses because of unforgiveness, bitterness and rage.
Life is too short for you to waste precious years holding on to unwanted bitterness, hate, and unforgiveness.
Don’t ignore these few words of encouragement. If you are willing to fill this prescription and forgive and forget, it would be recorded as one of your best years ever.
Women, in particular, have difficulty to forgive and forget because of our womb and its ability to incubate and carry a baby. It seems as though we also want to nurture the situation, the painful experiences and unfair circumstances by carrying them and owning them as our own. As a result, we can carry unforgiveness for a long, long time but our soul was never intended to carry such negativity for such long periods.
Please don’t get offended, dear readers. I’m telling the truth for your own sake, for your own health, for your own freedom; forgive and let go. The freedom, peace and the vitality that awaits you is priceless and beyond compare to the load and weight of emotions that controls you in holding on to the hate and pain that surrounds your situation of unforgiveness.
If you need prayer or help to get through this matter, contact us at with your prayer request or visit us at 4119 DeMaisonneuve West any Sunday from 12:30pm to join our worship service and preaching of God’s word to minister to you.
Pastor Julianna Daniel