Cautious optimism as Caribbean groups  move towards a coalition
Community News

Cautious optimism as Caribbean groups move towards a coalition

Egbert Gaye Efforts to set up a coalition among groups representing various Caribbean nationals in Montreal are generating cautious optimism among those who are involved in the initiative. It...

On the B-ball court: $12,000 in total fines for Blacks, a warning for whites Community News

On the B-ball court: $12,000 in total fines for Blacks, a warning for whites

Rosie Awori- (Local Journalism Initiative) As restrictions slowly started easing in late May, nine young men took to the courts to enjoy a game of basketball. Unfortunately, what was...



Racism and Coronavirus COVID-19 Conversations… Novel Thomas Will there be a cure for the man-made viral pandemic, racism, in all its forms once all the talk-ing has ended?When George...

Remembering the legendary Senegalese  singer Balla Sidibé
African News

Remembering the legendary Senegalese singer Balla Sidibé

Senegal has lost a star, the death of singer Balla Sidibé, one of the founding members of the legendary Senegalese Afro-Latin band Orchestra Baobab group, on Wednesday, July 29,...

Life’s Challenges OpinionsSpecial Features

Life’s Challenges

Let’s be honest… Sometimes life is just hard. I heard someone once say, that the struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow, so we...

COVID-19: it’s time to call upon the creator of the universe to intervene. Church & Gospel

COVID-19: it’s time to call upon the creator of the universe to intervene.

Our anthem, our prayer, our duty… God keep our land glorious and free! Do you recognize that line that I’ve just quoted from the Canadian national anthem? It is...

Hope hinges on Canada’s safe third country ruling
Community News

Hope hinges on Canada’s safe third country ruling

Rosie Awori Local Journalism Initiative Following the election of President Trump in 2017, Samba was among the 27,000 migrants who made their way into Canada using Roxham Road- where...

Spice Festival provided great viewing

Spice Festival provided great viewing

Contact Staff Over 15,000 viewers clicked in on YouTube and Facebook to enjoy The Spice Island Cultural Festival held on Saturday, July 11. The event got off to a...

“YOU’VE GOT TO BE CAREFULLY TAUGHT”— Dr. Alwin Spence Opinions


If hate is taught, hate will be learned Dr. Alwin Spence One of the duties of adulthood, particularly middle age, is the passing of values to the next generation....

What about Canada’s other Pandemic? Opinions

What about Canada’s other Pandemic?

All must see that like Covid-19, racism is treated with the same alacrity…. Another pandemic of baronial proportions currently grips Canada. Millions are unemployed, and millions more remain sheltered...