IMPACT 2016: This year, The time is right
A prosperous New Year to all the wonderful readers out there.
I will declare to you, this is your year of favor! Psalms 102 verse 13 says there is a time to favor Zion and the set time is now.
Many of us have been laboring physically and spiritually but with nothing to show for it.
If you are going to be a man and woman of impact this year, you have to believe in God like never before. It’s time to believe that God has a destiny for you to fulfill in this generation and that you were born for a purpose.
God gives time and opportunity to every human being on planet Earth, so I am compelled to ask, what are you doing with your time and your opportunities?
Please note that time is always moving forward and does not wait for any man.
I encourage you to read Ecclesiastes chapter 3 verse 1 to 16, read it and you will see the power of time. The Bible states that there is a time to be born, a time to die, a time to plant, a time to pluck up, a time to weep, a time to laugh, a time to love and the time to war.
Believe the word “time” and its impact on your life such as your age and body that advances with each passing year and perhaps you will begin to understand that now is your time for restoration. It’s your set time to be favored.
Time is calculated from one second to 365 days. Believe me, last year’s time can never work for you again. It is gone forever, placed in the history books. So for this year 2016, I want you to have respect for time and embrace each second given to you.
Remember, time is not in your hands to control, so do not live as if you are the originator and author of it. Moreover, stop being lazy with the gift of time and stop wasting other people’s time. Take this precious commodity seriously and define what time means to you.
God is the giver of time and we are guided by it on a daily basis as a grace to live out our lifetime. I believe if you are aware of time you will be aware of God, who has given us an appointed and accepted time this year.
Please, this year 2016 don’t take time for granted. Confess that this year is your time of favor.
Time has already been aligned and assigned to bless and restore you. There is a time of exaltation awaiting you in 2016! Your time is now, grasp it and do not waste it!
We the pastors and members of the House of Prayer for All Nations invite you to come join us for Sunday for service. The set time is noon for worship and Bible study every Tuesday and 6:30 p.m.
It’s time to bless the Lord this is the year and remember that time has been given to everyone to enjoy.