It’s all about convenience, not about what concerns us…

I’m not a social media aficionado by any stretch, but I do maintain an open mind vis-à-vis the abundance of content that run the gamut of human interests that is available on multiple social media platforms for human consumption.
Full disclosure, my interest transcends the abundance of mundane smut avail-able on social media.
As such, I’ve given my associates “carte blanche” to give me a heads-up when-ever [their] contacts share stuff with them — be it crude or its distant cousin wholesome. All that stuff, for whatever it’s worth, constitutes life and living… But I have no qualms about touching the delete key whenever something, especially some of the popular, but mundane stuff is forwarded/shared…
Enough already!
But believe me, I’m no crude; I’m human after all.
So, as I’m not a regular user of anything more than Google I depend on my ac-quaintances — the social media consumers to give me a “heads-up” by willingly sharing (their) social media content whenever there’s something they think might be of interest to me.
Like all the images and content coming out of the recent political uprising at the U.S. Capitol.
In the days following the failed coup, people wee sharing some interesting stories of the aftermath… as people were trying to make their way home, essentially at-tempting to “flee the scene of the crime” as it were.
Twitter was hot that evening as people, many of whom — including a Black one or two — turned out to be (MAGA cap-wearing) Trump supporters were attempt-ing to escape before being caught in police dragnets.
So there was this young white woman at an airport — I imagine waiting in the de-parture lounge — evidently trying to catch a flight out of town and escape the po-lice dragnets that were set up at various airports to snag as many of the Red Cap-wearing ideologues and attempted coup participants as possible.Hmmm
As that young woman was squirming on the ground in attempt to make the police work impossible, one could hear her neighing: “You’re treating me like a f***** Black person…”
As my social media contact mentioned to me that race-tainted line is “becoming a thing not only at airports…”
Something to dredge More of this phenomenon next time.