It’s a shame that so many other groups have taken the blueprint that Blacks designed to rise from the ashes of slavery, and have used it to advance their own causes and agendas, as we remain stagnant
Can somebody in the Black community please tell me why, as a collective, we continue to make excuses for other Black people who consistently make poor decisions and choices that contribute to their overall plight?
I really need an answer.
And for those of you who are reading this, and find it applicable, let me say that this isn’t an attempt to throw any “I’m better than you” or “I have arrived” statements in your face. On the contrary, I am directing this commentary to the many within our community who continue to make every kind of excuse to justify why we should not challenge our people to collectively do better and act better.
Most people call it “judging,” but I call it an unforgiving necessity. You can apply whatever term you choose.
Too many Black people have the ability to do better, yet they choose not to, and many of them need a serious kick in the behind, but who among us is prepared to do it?
I believe that there is only a remnant of Black people who truly care enough about their own community that they are willing to challenge the warped paradigms that plague the community and are prepared to face the consequences of speaking out because of it.
We can’t continue to look to the government to solve our social and economic problems, because the vast majority of the people in elected offices who make the decisions and craft the legislation that can impact our community don’t look like us; so why should they be obligated to care? I am willing to hear any reason proffered as to why they should.
Black people need to stop encouraging this ignorance, and we also need to refrain from being a community of enablers of ignorance and apathy. The bottom line is this: Black folks need to stop making excuses for those who remain trapped on the hamster wheel of poor choices and negative circumstances, especially when we know that those same Black people have the ability to do better.
Even when challenged by family and friends to do better, many in our community refuse to change and subsequently tend to raise children who, unfortunately, grow up to adopt a similar mindset. It becomes a sad and vicious cycle.
I know there are many enablers out there who will say, “You just don’t understand. You’ve got to be patient with Black people and meet them where they are, because they are still dealing with the effects of slavery and everybody isn’t as resourceful and knowledgeable.”
There is absolutely no way that I will ever accept that type of asinine and excuse-centered argument, when I know that we have so many tools and resources available to us.
Almost all of us have smart phones and other forms of technology that access information these days. According to Nielsen (Canada) 71% of African Americans own smartphones, compared to 62% of the total population. So, when it comes to seeking out information, there really is no excuse (for ignorance) in this technological society, especially when there are tons of resources and copious amounts of information on the Internet that can help us to improve our lives in many ways. All a person has to do is seek it. Instead, they use their smart phones and other forms of technology to access all types of information, such as knowing when “Dancing with the Stars” or “America got Talent” comes on; figuring out how to set up direct deposit to get their government assistance, finding out what day the latest technological or other gadget is coming out; knowing what time the championship game comes on; or finding out when the comedy show starts.
Look, I know everyone is different and I understand that you cannot group everyone together, but those that don’t have smart phones and I Phones can still access information, because the Internet, used either at home or through a local library, is readily accessible.
Many of today’s poverty pimps promote the downtrodden nature of Black people and our communities, hating to see progress because that impacts their bottom line. If you didn’t know, there is a lot of money in trapping people in a cycle of poverty, government dependency, illiteracy, limited education and health disparities. Open your eyes.
We need to put an end to this foolishness of making excuses for people and step up and challenge ourselves to do better and act better.
It’s a shame that so many other groups have taken the blueprint that Blacks designed to rise from the ashes of slavery, and have used it to advance their own causes and agendas, as we remain stagnant.
I wonder if the Regulars of the Ways and Means Committee, or the folks at the Barbershop would add an “Amen” to this.
Aleuta—– The struggle