With a few weeks left for the political contestants vying for the title of Quebec premier to make their point to put a stranglehold on the premiership for the next four to five years continue to slug away… language being the primary issue.
Not one election takes place in this province where language is not among the issues that rattles the people among linguistic lines… in fact it is the primary issue that gets stuck in the craw of all the people, regardless of language.
Naturally, the language of all the Quebecois in the premier’s mind is, in his mind the only language of the province, and he doesn’t spare a moment to remind people of every linguistic group of that reality. For him French is the only legitimate Ianguage of the province. And he doesn’t spare any time or words to remind Quebecers of all language backgrounds of that reality. It’s the only official language of the province he prides himself in reminding those who want to know.
It’s not that he tries to remind all Quebecers of that fact and reality; it’s just that he takes pride in reminding people, residents and visitors alike, that the only official language of the province is French. Which is why he moved with great speed to create and pass his Bill 96 Bill, which legislation recently. Another way, in his mind, to slow the use of French, and encourage Quebecers of all backgrounds to take pride in speaking the national… er “la langue national” of the province, which under the current circumstances, remains in a precarious situation “threatened,” as the premier takes every opportunity to remind everyone wit access to media – be it electronic or literal.
Recent reports that the use of French is declining in Quebec, true or false, evidence enough for him to repeat that information in his various media appearances. And as the primary protector of the national language he spares no opportunity to repeat that when talking to the media.
In an August 17 statement the premier declared that “nobody could deny” French is in decline, stating that fewer Quebecers were speaking the language at home as well as at work.”
I believe I’ve heard such alarmist linguistic emergencies over the years. And yet, everyday I listen to media sources – radio, television, etc., or practice my French reading skills, my evidence reminds me that French is still the “lingua franca” of the province. I hear it everyday, try to read it… practicing by reading Metro newspaper, 24 Hours, or other French publications, just because like most English speakers… I understand the importance and value of the language in this province. But I maintain it’s hard as hell to learn the language.
In fact, just the other day I was having a conversation with an English-speaking gentleman, and he expressed a similar sentiment. But most of u live here so we try as best we can to apprends et parler la langue…
I must confess that it’s “difficult as hell…” but most English speakers make an honest effort…” bumbling and stumbling with/around the words notwithstanding. But most English speakers make an honest effort…”