Video cameras, cell phones and the Internet are illuminating it


Yes it is.
And sometimes it “makes me wonder how I keep from goin’ under.”
The words of preeminent rappers Grandmaster Flash at the dawn of the 1980s continue to resonate. But make no mistake about it, despite incremental, perceptible change, the institutional forces remain steadfast, a firm grip on the levers of power—the status quo—as evidenced by the historic social inequity.
Hence, Grandmaster Flash’s [The] Message, which continues to resonate.
Which is why a colleague recently spoke those words “It’s a jungle…” as he trolled the Internet for some specific information, coming upon copious amounts of information completely unrelated to his specific search in the process, but relevant nonetheless. It was about all the madness we’ve been witnessing for sometime, and it’s all there at our fingertips. So he brought it to my attention.
The WWW is exploding with all sorts of information and access… Facebook, You Tube, Twitter, Snap Chat, Instagram, whatever your platform of choice, it truly is a jungle of information out there. Whatever your interest, and for whatever reasons you’re interfacing Online there’s something for everyone.
Problem is, there are people out there, not the least of whom are North American police, living… operating as such, as if we’re truly living in a jungle. The way they continue to treat Black people, especially ‘males’, is a cogent example.
None other than the reviled, abhorrent, loved, loathed Al Sharpton back in the 1980s, a period when there was a spate of shootings of Black men by N.Y. City police as “hunting day…” But their solemn pledge to “Protect and Serve” along with post-shooting marches didn’t deter the police. At that time the slogan/mantra: “Black lives matter” wasn’t even conceived.
‘Departmental’ lies (police fabrications) and their inevitable exoneration were the rule of the day.
Spring forward to March 3, 1991 and the videotaped pummeling of the late Rodney King by several LAPD officers, which was captured in real time by George Holliday, a white man in the right place at the right time, with a video cam. It revealed for the first time the extent of police abuse of Black people, particularly males.
Despite visual evidence, the ensuing trial of the officers involved in King’s mauling resulted in their exoneration. And the social keg of pent-up anger blew. The 1992 LA riots, the loss of over 50 lives and billions of dollars of collateral damage were the inevitable result.
Call that entire extended LA incident a serendipitous moment: Black people realized the value and importance of a video camera (filmed) evidence, and in ensuing years the increasing popularity of cell phones, which have become ubiquitous tools of protection and Black males’ personal and collective self-preservation.
But so far in the twentieth century, since lies have become untenable, police are now challenging—sometimes successfully—seemingly irrefutable video cam and cell phone cam evidence.
That’s just some of it as far as that jungle goes, and thanks to my son and others I’ve been introduced to, and have been exploring a lot of what’s going on (copious amounts of information available there) for worldwide public consumption. Anyone with something deemed worthwhile saying is able to do so via the Online/alternative media.
Important hot-button subjects like police shootings of Black men, or police abuse of Black people in general, are some of the many that are regularly discussed on various Online mediums like the AdviseShowTV and the Breakfast Club, for example.
On the Advise Show the issues of the day are thrashed out by host Phillip, a no-nonsense man who tells it as it happened. He runs video and cell cam recordings of various incidents (his grist) then rants… And he doesn’t care about ruffling feathers in the process. He’s a straight shooter (no gun included) who sheds light on many issues the mainstream media gloss over, or simply ignore.
The recent spate of fatal police shootings of Black men, Black people doing very well, in spite of America’s dubious past continuing in the present, and Black people who are “messing up”, for example, are hot subjects.
In one episode, AdviseShow goes into detail re. one of those five police officers who was slain in Dallas, Texas, a few weeks ago. Through his sources the host was able to secure damning information about the double-life of one of officers living: he was a racist with all sorts of “white supremacist” affiliations, including the KKK. He even had racist tattoos and other telling symbols on his arms… wrists… He’s even shown at a meeting with his racist cohorts…
Like many who have pledged to “Protect and Serve” and have apparently infiltrated many U.S. police departments, he was probably out there giving Black people—innocent and questionable alike—a taste of racist hell. Probably killed a few Black men, or know of colleagues who have.
Another interesting video is of a Baltimore resident, a Black male, who, in the wake of the Freddy Gray incident, has made a practice of carrying and keeping his tool handy wherever he goes, his finger always ready to press Record when police come into the neighbourhood.
And given his regular interaction and verbal confrontations with them, he advises Black people to not leave home without theirs. “It’s a game changer.”
Then there’s incident of a Black male engaged in an extended back-and-forth with a LAPD Sergeant, who illegally pulls him over in a parking lot.
Clearly a case of harassment, the man reminds the officer that he knows the highway laws, as well as his [U.S.] Constitutional rights.
The recorded charade ended with the “law” handing the man a three-page ticket, which he promised to challenge in court.
It was a scene of power dynamics: the badge and blue, a Sergeant doing his ‘illegal’ best by harassing a Black man who committed no infraction. During the course of the conversation, the brother raised the subject of who has the gun, but he was acting within the law.
There are many recordings of blatant police harassment of Black men and women Online.
As someone said after viewing one of them: “Black men, and in some cases women, pregnant and otherwise, have to contend with a lot of police shit.”
That’s the truth.
Also check another online medium, the Breakfast Club for interviews and discussions of the pressing issues of the day; you’ll them interesting.
If possible check archives for a guest—some call him controversial—educator, Dr. Umar Johnson. The man is versed on all things American. He’s also a polarizing figure who criticizes white America (the system) and Black America  (the beleaguered) alike. Last time I saw him, he took on the current crop of politicians in Washington, including President Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump… Look him up.
AdviseShowTV, The Breakfast Club, both are interesting and informative… and will afford [you] greater insights into what’s happening to Black people going about their daily lives and the socio-political, institutional smack they’re up against down there.
There’ are many other mediums in the WWW. The Young Turks, hosted by some white guys and gals, is also socially illuminating.
The WWW… it’s a jungle… And in spite of the past few weeks, police are still “protecting and serving,” but are not quite living up to the pledge. So Black people, armed with their tools, have been emboldened, they’re mad as hell [with police abuse, harassment and cold-blooded killings] and are not taking it anymore.
It’s truly a jungle out there… and once you enter the more you search the deeper you get in there, and are exposed to the good, the bad and the ugly.
In the final analysis it’s all about [one’s] personal interests in what’s going on…

P.S. As someone recently said in a Canadian radio interview, Canadians better not be smug. Racism knows no boundaries.