Trust in His Never-Changing Love

Trust in His Never-Changing Love

The changes around us are many but God is still faithful

Dear reader, there are so many changes in our world today yet how much has changed or will change for you personally. Many are facing suspension or major decisions that would have never been a thought or concern just a few years back. It seems our leaders, alongside world leaders, are changing their minds more than we can count.

Here in Montreal, we just had federal elections and now municipal elections are upon us and not long after that we will find ourselves at the polls again for a provincial election for even more changes. Many politicians are making promises and no one knows if they will keep them or change again once we’ve left the polls.

How are you coping with the changes?
We heard healthcare workers and federal employees may not be able to work based on decisions that would normally be personal but now has become the government’s business. They say healthcare workers are now free from this perplexing process but could they and would they again change their minds?

Friends, it is important for us to stay informed but it is most important for us to stay in prayer. Prayer changes things. It’s not time to lose hope or to become anxious or to stress; it is time to start, continue, and persevere in prayer.

Even when it looks like the door is closing or you’ve received a bad report, keep in prayer because God has not changed – He is faithful to the end.
His promises are sure and His words are true. The Bible has a wealth of answers to life’s questions and none of them have expired. They are true even today. God cares for you so take all your worries and concerns straight to him. He loves you so much that He just wants to take your load.
It is written in 1Peter 5:7 that we ought to “Cast all your anxiety (burdens) on Him because he cares for us”. This is a promise; and both His word and His promises are true.
In fact, God’s word is forever true and His promises are unfailing. Do not allow the constant changes in the world today to overwhelm you.

The God of creation is bigger than that. When speaking about the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ, the prophet Isaiah said “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6).
This means, His government is above every other government and He can bear whatever the weight of your problems may be and all of the decisions being made by earthly governments. He can handle it. We may not be able to handle it but He has told us to go ahead and give it to him. Trust in the Lord and remember to cast your burdens on Jesus for He cares for you.
Do you need a day of rest? Please join our blessed women’s ministry led by minister Lorna Joseph as they welcome you all to a Free day of encouragement and rest. This one-day retreat will be on November 13th 9:30am to 5:00pm.
A light lunch will be served for your enjoyment. Bring a friend or two and come cast your burdens on Him and let Him take away every load and give you rest. I look forward to seeing you there.