Thirteen -year old Dave needs a home

The story of thirteen (13) year old Dave mirrors that of many children in the Batshaw Youth and Family Centres’ care system. Dave should be living the unencumbering life of children in his age group; however, he is preoccupied and concern as to where he will be living and who will be taking care of him. He is saddened that the instability in his family does not allow him to remain in his home. It is within this context that a foster home is being sought for Dave, an outgoing, soft spoken teenager who thoroughly enjoys the outdoors and is at his best when playing football. In addition he is caring, expressive and is well liked by his peers.
Dave has not always had an easy life, emotionally; he is struggling with rejection, instability, neglect and abandonment. He is afraid of allowing anyone to get close to him thus; he invests a lot of energy to prevent this from happening. It is very difficult for him to discuss his feelings as he is trying to understand all that has happened to him and the uncertainty of his future. Therefore, it will take time for him to trust.
Dave was finding school difficult; however, with additional help from school, he has been able to increase his grade points demonstrating that he has the ability and the aptitude for learning. There are times when he tests the limits, he can lie or steal and in these instances he responds well to clear structure, consistency and redirection to appropriate behaviour.
Dave’s parents are not able to take care of him. Thus, he needs a family that can understand as to what he is going through so that their approach to helping him will give him a feeling of being loved, security and a sense of belonging. The ideal family would be a two-parent Black family who can make the commitment to him for as long as he is need of care.
For more information about Dave, please call Batshaw youth and Family Centres at 514-93 7161, local 1139.