There is power in the word of God to change your world

The spoken word can shape your life and frame your world.

Readers, there is a reason why God called himself “The Word.” He is the living word. There is also the written word and the spoken word.
Death and life are in the power of your tongue. Our creator, God, rules the universe with the spoken word.
The Bible is the written word and it is a manual for everyone; yet, it is sad to say that many have never taken the time to read that powerful life-manual.
Genesis 1 verse 1 tells us that Earth was empty and void and God spoke to that which was empty and void and things began to happen. He called things into existence. Our father, creator and source was demonstrating to us the power of our mouth.
God said, “Let there be light” and there was light.
The spoken word can shape your life and frame your world.
The word of God spoken from your mouth in faith can give you whatsoever you want or desire in this life.
The word of God, when spoken, is like talking to a supernatural God. We call it prayer.
Talking to God is like a vehicle that transports you from the physical to the spiritual, or the natural to the spiritual.
You have to drive that vehicle yourself.
For example, when you were born you were given a name and as your parents constantly called you by that name it became a part of your life.
The spoken word from the parents’ mouth began to label that child with the name and it became their reality.
If you begin to call yourself a useless man, a stupid man, or a foolish man, the mouth and the words spoken by it will have the same power to put that label on your life.
Years ago, when Obama was running in the presidential elections, he had a saying that morphed into reality because he spoke it unceasingly. He was declaring, “yes we can” and by including himself he was proclaiming that “yes he can.”
In spite of the fact that he knew that they were saying, “no Black man was going to be president of the United States of America” he continued speaking his expectation. In doing so, he was speaking to the elements of the sun, the stars and the moon prophetically. By perpetually professing “yes we can” he was shaping his world with divine enablement.
Jesus also spoke to change situations that seemed hopeless. He too spoke to the elements expecting them to obey.
Jesus spoke to the storm that wanted to kill his disciples in the boat while they were on an important journey. It is written that the winds and the waves obeyed… not at his presence, but at the hearing of the words of his mouth.
Listen, it’s time for you to rise up and stay positive. Speak positive words of expectations about your life, your job, your finances, and your relationships.
Stop speaking poverty, sickness, and pain. Stop saying “poor me…” instead declare that you are not poor but you are rich. Say it with faith and confidence until it becomes your reality.
Start saying, “I can…” You can be the next Ford, Chrysler, or Gates, etc.
When you start to speak prophetically, don’t mock your spoken word, believe and have faith that when you speak things as though they were, it will take shape; as Earth did at the sound of God’s spoken word.
The Word, when spoken, is very powerful… and when you speak it over your life, it is only beneficial to you. So do not delay, start speaking God’s word and prepare to see changes.
To learn more about God’s word, come to any of our church services either Sundays from 12pm, or Tuesdays at 6:30pm for Bible study. 4119 De Maisonneuve West, corner Wood Av. We’d love to see you.