Submitted by the family

Angelique Corbett-Laville was born on November 9th, 1992 to mother Sonia Corbett & father Trevor Laville in Montreal Canada.
She lived with her three siblings Elroy, Ashley and Sedona.
She earned her diploma in Institutional and Home-care while maintaining her job as an employee at a grocery store downtown for over seven years.
Qualities of this young woman were numerous: Angelique enjoyed poetry and was gifted with the voice of a true angel, she had an immense passion for music and singing.
Angelique was blessed with a heart filled with compassion and love, and had a golden sense of humor.
She also had a unique zest for life that made her the envy of many.
On February 1, 2019 Angelique accidentally consumed a product brought in to her workplace for taste-testing.
This product was a cream cheese made from cashew nuts, which was not listed on the label for those who might have been allergic.
Having worked at this particular grocery store for many years, everyone who knew Angelique knew that she had a very serious allergy to all nuts.
After consuming the cream cheese Angelique began to feel ill, but simply decided to take Benadryl and remain at work, not knowing the extent of her symptoms and that she was in fact having an allergic reaction.
As her breathing worsened, she put that off as being an asthma attack and began using her asthma pump as she made her way home after the end of her shift.
Arriving at her home in the NDG area, her breathing was so impaired that she could not make it even to the top of her home entrance steps.
We now know that at this time, Angelique’s throat had swollen so much that her airway had closed leading to an anaphylactic shock also stopping her heart.
Angelique died in the hands of her mother right at her home, but was later pronounced dead at the Royal Victoria hospital at 5:46 PM.
She was 26.
Many questions remain as to why nuts which cause an allergy so common and so deadly were not announced or advertised within this (public) grocery store.
Now grieving the loss of Angelique, her family and friends are left with an open wound and many unanswered questions.