The precious blood of Christ

The precious blood of Christ

Dear readers, it’s time to listen closely and get greater revelation about the blood of Jesus.
The blood of Jesus shed on mount Calvary centuries ago is no ordinary blood. The Bible tells us in Hebrews 12:24 that it speaks a better word than the blood of Abel. This passage says “You have come to Jesus, the one who mediates the new covenant between God and people, and to the sprinkled blood, which speaks of forgiveness instead of crying out for vengeance like the blood of Abel.”
It signifies the lamb’s blood being shed and sprinkled as a sin offering. Jesus became the lamb of God on the cross of Calvary. The blood He shed became the new covenant to replace the one instituted in exodus with the shedding of blood of a spotless lamb to take away the sins of men. Christ blood however, because He is God, instituted the remission of the sins of the world; a NEW covenant.
The blood of Abel was solely the shedding of a man’s blood and even then; God said it had a story, a voice and an audience. Christ blood, on the other hand, also has a voice and a message. Jesus said no man takes my life but I lay it down. So unlike Abel who was murdered and his blood was crying out for justice; the blood of Christ was shed purposefully to speak with authority against the curse of the law that binds mankind in a cycle of limited and faulty recourse for sin.
The lamb of God is the ultimate solution for mankind because the power of God working through it is superior, supernatural and infinite.
The Holy Spirit is the voice behind this precious blood. For it is the spirit of God who leads us and guides us into all truth. The spirit of God activates the blood of Jesus Christ to mediate between you and the sins of your past.
Have you accepted Christ as saviour?
What do you think the Blood of Jesus has to say about your situation? It echoes the word of God.
For there is therefore now no condemnation for those of us who are in Christ. Why? because when the accuser of your soul wants to entrap you in all of the things that made your ancestors fall; the blood of Jesus will say no this one has been set apart. When family cycles of defeat, failure, sickness and divorce declare it is your turn; guess what; the blood of Jesus Christ will say no this one has been redeemed. This one has been bought with a price.
Through the Holy Spirit of God; the blood of Jesus obtains a voice to speak a better word over you. A word founded on God’s love, forgiveness and compassionate man kind. This blood becomes a mediator annulling bloodline curse passed down from our biological family. when you enter the family line of God through salvation by faith in Jesus Christ… that blood begins to work on your behalf and mediate wherever needed to make sure that principalities powered wickedness in high places and rulers of darkness know that you have been redeemed.

I urge you dear readers to accept .

God bless you all
Pastor Julianna Daniel