Continuing the theme of prayer and the notion that prayer works; I’d like to share an example of prayer at work.
Did you notice that nuance? Keep reading…
There are so many examples of the power of prayer throughout the Bible, but the one I want to share highlights the different facets of prayer at work.
Without giving a full summary of this story; I’ll start by saying that Queen Esther, whom the book of Esther is written about, was a woman of great beauty. However, it was not her beauty that caused the king of the Persian empire to extend his scepter of mercy to allow her to enter his presence without summoning.
It is important to note that when his scepter was extended, she escaped death. The penalty of such an act was immediate death, regardless of who you are. Therefore, it was not because of her beauty. It was not because she was once chosen and favored by the king above an entire harem of young virgins. Nor was it because she was now Queen. But it was because prayer was at work.
Prior to deciding to stand in this life-threatening position, she had been praying. She coupled her prayer with fasting to seek God. The biblical account of Queen Esther is rich in prayer and how prayer can be a means to gain supernatural victories.
It demonstrates how prayer can change situations, can bring favour, and can turn the table around for your good. How lives can be spared because someone took time to pray to the God of heaven, King Jesus!
There is so much more that can be said about Queen Esther and prayer, however it’s important to note that prayer, faith and action were coupled together in very strategic and intentional ways.
I encourage you to read the book of Esther and you will see the power of prayer at work.
Like Esther, there are political plots and plans that can affect our lives and the lives of our loved ones; and God has called us to activate the power of prayer to change situations.
There are times that what you pray, what you believe and what you say, have got to work together in order for prayer to work for you.
It’s as simple as a mathematical equation:
believe it + pray on it + act on it = Victory God’s way!
Do you believe that God is a way maker? That He will make a way even when there seems to be no way. If you believe this to be true; then like me, there is also a need to take the time to control our words and our confessions. We need to become more conscious about what we are praying and how it lines up with what we are are believing in God for.
Most importantly, be mindful of your decisions, your actions and the things you do; to ensure that they line up with your confessions and your prayers. They all work hand in hand.
Esther is a great example. She believed that God would save her people from the planned genocide; whether it came through her or the hands of another but she believed in God’s desire and ability to save His people. Because she believed she prayed. Because she believed and prayed on it, she then acted on it by faith. She began to do different things to support her belief, ensuring they line up with her prayers even though there was absolutely no evidence that she could see to confirm any of it. This is strong faith! This is knowing your God.
She only began to act on it after she prayed on it. This is understanding the power of prayer at work.
It is not an easy task but let’s keep learning how to team up with God in prayer; and soon enough I’m sure it will become easier and easier for each of us to put it into practice. Like math, we simply need to practice the equation.
The equation behind Esther’s victory