THE DIASPORA Roundup JUNE 21, 2018

THE DIASPORA  Roundup JUNE 21, 2018


Invents device to detect Malaria
Staying true to the adage, necessity is the mother of all invention 24 year old Brian Gitta developed a device that detects signs of malaria after blood tests failed to detect the disease  in his blood.
His invention won him the Royal Academy of Engineering Africa Prize. Gitta, a computer science students talked his friends into using their skills to develop the gadget after normal blood test failed to detect the disease in his blood for three consecutive times
They named the device, Matabibu which is the Swahili word for medicines.
The low-cost, reusable invention clips onto a patient’s finger and provides a result within 60 seconds on a mobile phone. A red beam shines through the user’s finger to detect changes in shape, color and concentration of red blood cells — all of which are affected by malaria.


Malian ”Spiderman” meets president
Mamoudou Gassama is the Malian immigrant who shot to worldwide fame last man when he scaled a building in Paris to save a toddler hanging from the balcony of a fourth floor apartment.
His bravery earned him the right to become a French citizen. And armed with his legal documents he has finally gone home to visit his family who he hasn’t seen in nine years.
Gassama crossed the Mediterranean on a migrant boat in septermber 2014. He ended up in France and worked on building sites with his brother.
He braved difficult conditions in France and finally he has earned the right to be a citizen.
At the moment he is due to meet with Malian President Ibrahim Boubakar Keita befre returning to France to begin his internship with the prestigious fire brigade.


Mottley meets with IMF

Meanwhile in the Caribbean Barbados first Prime Minister, Mia Mottley has hit the ground running.  With the intention of fulfilling her campaign pledges she went ahead to meet with the International Montetary Fund (IMF) to map out a plan to clear the country’s debt.
At present Bardados’ finances are deplorable and even before meeting with the IMF Mottley has also imposed a series of new taxes and other measures as part of a USD$600 million plan to rescue the country’s frail economy.
After the meeting with the IMF she announced they would be returning to the county on he 2nd of July for talk up till July 12th. Mottley said they were moving quickly because uncertainty was not in the interest of the country.
The Prime Minister noted that once the country signs an agreement with the IMF, the country will able to access financing from the Inter-American Development Bank, Caribbean Development Bank and others.