Don’t just tell me… Show me!
Are your words lining up with your actions?
I’ve had the privilege of speaking with many people who talk about wanting to see change in their lives, but then they’ll confess that they’re not willing or don’t think they are able to put in the actual work necessary for that change to occur.
Talking about change doesn’t change anything.
The thing about change is that it requires work and sometimes it takes hard work to get your desired outcome.
You can talk about what you want to do all day long, but if you don’t take any action then it’s really just talk.
Words are just words until you give them life.
Your actions need to line up with your words and your actions have to be louder than your words.
You can’t just keep talking about what you’re going to do or what you want to do; you have to just do it.
And you can’t just say what you’re going to do and have faith that change will just happen without any work. Your words need movement.
And Remember:
Words do play an important role, but action gets things done!
Well done is better than well said. [Benjamin Franklin]
It’s easy to talk about what you’re going to do, but it doesn’t mean anything until you actually do it.
James 2:17 says:
In the same way, faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by ACTION, is dead.
Start taking those action steps towards your personal growth and goals. It’s not just about being busy it’s about being intentional, focused and productive with a specific plan of action.
Change comes one decision and one ACTION step at a time.
Ask yourself…
Am I being honest with myself?
Do my words line up with what I am doing?
Do I say what I mean? Do I do what I say?
Am I talking the talk, but not walking the walk?
Am I going to just talk about what I’m going to do or am I going to actually start doing what I say I am going to do?
Yes, I know the saying, it’s easier said than done, but know that when you start with your first step it will get easier as you press on.
Be encouraged! You can do this!
Let your actions speak for themselves and your future self will thank you for it!
Blessings and peace,
Bev ☺
Beverley is a Registered Nurse, Licensed Professional Counselor, Board Certified Life and Grief Coach and the founder of Mourningtalk.