Reflections on the past year

Reflections on the past year

It’s been a year and a few days since we lost our Managing Editor, friend, mentor, father, uncle and community stalwart Egbert Gaye. The legacy he left continues to inspire us and push us to forge deeper community bonds.

Montreal Community Contact is not just ‘another’ news outlet. businesses have been built and families created. Mr. G as I knew him, understood just what it meant for the pen to be mightier than the sword.

Through this paper, he fought enormous battles. Questioning parliamentary issues, amplifying societal ills, giving a voice to those whose stories would otherwise fall through the cracks. Moreover, he was determined to ‘big -up’ all of you who were doing something; authors, actors, business moguls, event planners and
the like there was always room for our stories.

And so, a year later the essence of community has never been more tangible. You, our precious community, have continued to send in your stories, your adverts and your support. This past year, albeit full of grief has been more bearable thanks to your generosity and support.

The name Community Contact truly lives up to it’s spirit. We have witnessed how you have all stayed in contact, becoming our eyes and ears and lifting us up when our hands were weak. You have rallied around us, been our backbone and ensured we didn’t fall. We were all left frazzled and uncertain but where I come from, we often say; “Sticks in a bundle are unbreakable.” And thanks to your it has been we’ve remained a community undivided

We extend our most sincere thanks to each and every one of you for coming together and making this year bearable. Words simply cannot express the depths of our appreciation. Thank you for being the hands that helped us rise, the feet that carried us forward, and so much more.

We stand only because you’ve held us up.

Asanteni Sana (Thank You All Very Much)
Rosie Awori and the Rest of the CONTACT Family