Reflections of love

Reflections of love

Freedom for the heart

When people get to the month of February there are often thoughts of black heroes and thoughts of red roses. Some will focus their minds and energy toward honouring Black heroes, innovators, activists and influential historical figures.
While another set of people are focused on honouring their significant other, their spouse or their crush with demonstrations of their love and friendship for them.
Aren’t these all matters of the heart?
From hearts of courage and determination who founded the Underground Railroad, invented the iron and spoke words that let freedom ring; to hearts of candy, paper hearts and chocolate hearts to commemorate one’s love, have we ever taken the time to look within? Instead of looking at the heroes of old or looking into the eyes of your beloved;
We spend so much time and energy in the month of February looking outward at others, looking at gifts, even looking for a sweetheart.
Proverbs 27:19 tells us ‘As in water face reflects face, so the heart of man reflects the man.’ This year why not look within? Why not examine our own heart?
So many celebrate black history in order to find their identity and to inspire themselves to be the next black trailblazer or the next black hero while others are stocking up on Valentine’s Day commodities in order to prove something about their love or to look to others to identify themselves as loving and liveable.
None of these motivations are bad but let us be real with ourselves this year. Being inspired by the lives or the love of others is not going to determine whether I am good enough. The Bible tells us that we need to look at our own hearts.
Examine our heart and look within. Just like a reflection, the heart shows the true character of a person. You can celebrate black history month and even enjoy valentine’s day to your delight but make sure you take time this year to look within.
Take time to clean out your heart from unforgiveness. Let go of the unforgiveness towards the slave masters of your ancestors and get rid of the unforgiveness towards the ex that broke your heart. As you clean out your heart from bitterness, anger, unforgiveness and hate; the beauty the world needs to see in you will be revealed.
Let freedom ring in your heart. This Valentine’s Day set your heart free. Some of our hearts are in prison. Some of our hearts are under heavy pressure.
If you wear a brave face to hide your broken heart, you may as well give it to Jesus. He came to heal the broken hearted. Nothing is hidden from him.
For the Lord sees not as man sees: man looks on the outward appearance, but the Lord looks on the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7.)”
As you clean out your heart, invite the saviour in and you will be amazed to see the reflections of God’s love.

If no one says this to you, allow me to… Jesus Loves You!