For there is born to you this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord – Luke 2:11
This time of year can be particularly stressful, but it’s important to remember what Christmas is all about.
Celebrating the birth of our Savior and all that He has done for you and just being grateful for your many blessings that you may sometimes take for granted.
As you prepare for the Christmas holiday, take time to stop, take a deep breath, reflect, relax and just enjoy all of the special moments.
No matter what the circumstance, whether you’re alone or working for the holidays, volunteering, spending time with relatives, visiting a loved one in the hospital, whatever your situation, remember the blessings because there’s always something to be thankful for.
If you’re struggling this holiday season, you’re not alone.
Be comforted and be encouraged. It may not feel like it, but God is with you.
Know that: he will never leave you nor forsake you – Deuteronomy 31:8
Most important Remember the reason for the season do something meaningful: * attend church practice random acts of kindness * spend time with loved ones
- give someone a hug and a kind word
- buy a gift for someone who doesn’t expect it
- write out a card for someone who could use some
encouragement - connect or re-connect with people that you care about and
- don’t sweat all of the small stuff.
Remember, Christmas is not about getting more stuff.
As the Grinch once reflected, “Maybe Christmas, he thought…doesn’t come from a store. Maybe Christmas perhaps… means a little bit more!”
Take the time to express your love and appreciation for those around you.
Celebrate this year in peace, joy, forgiveness, love and gratitude!
Receive His grace during this time and rest in His awesome presence.
Merry Christmas to all and have a blessed holiday season!