Let’s be honest… Sometimes life is just hard.
I heard someone once say, that the struggle you’re in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow, so we can’t give up hope.
We all go through stuff in life…and we sometimes wonder why we have to go through the things that we do and you might even question: is God really with me?
Charles Stanley wrote: Often times God demonstrates His faithfulness in adversity by providing for us what we need to survive.
He does not change our painful circumstances. He sustains us through them.
God is always with us, no matter the circumstance.
No matter how we feel or whatever our perceptions are.
Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me [Psalm 54:4] .
When you are going through a difficult time…
Seek God – talk to him and listen for his voice.
Pray – meditate on his word
Share your thoughts and feelings with someone safe that you trust.
Turn off all of the noise around you.
Spend some quiet time in self-reflection
Practice self-care.
Embrace the truth
Embrace your truth
Acknowledge the role that you played in the situation.
And sometimes you just have to take the time to be sad and grieve your losses.
What lessons, if any, can you learn from your mistakes or the circumstance?
Determine if a change is needed and begin the process of moving forward, or maybe you just need to be still and listen intently for your next move.
Focus on what you can do, not on what you can’t do and change what you need to change.
Be encouraged!
Don’t give up just because things are hard right now.
Lord, help us to fully trust you when life gets hard and thank-you Lord for calming our fears.
Remember that studies show that counting your blessings is an awesome way to change your mood.
Sometimes we may even stumble across strength that we didn’t even know we had, as long as we don’t give up hope.
Knowing that you can rise above your circumstance, feed your faith not your fears.
Bev ☺