Dr. Alwin Spence

Yes, I have had enough, I just cannot take it anymore. I am tired to watch on television, the wanton destruction of houses, factories, office buildings, bridges, schools, hospitals, and the reckless killing of so many people. I ask myself, when will this stop, or which place will be next? I am also tired to see the destruction in Gaza, the line-up of trucks and other motor vehicles loaded with food and other supplies unable to deliver these goods to the starving people who are also homeless and who have lost loved ones. I am tired of the anti-Jewish and anti Arab rhetoric. I am tired to see children captured, removed from their parents, becoming hostages to be bargained for, through some ceasefire arrangement. Is putting a price on the heads of children, women and older adults acceptable? I am tired to hear about schools right here in Montreal, becoming shooting targets. Such deliberate and cowardly acts are very frightening.
Television brings the wars, the killings, the destruction right into our homes. These vivid pictures are on every channel making it almost
impossible to avoid the scenes and the information. As a matter of fact we are instantly provided with more information than we really want. Frankly I am tired to witness the amount of hate that appears to exist among people of this world. Again I say ,it was Rodney
King, after being beaten-up, said, in spite of his pain, ‘why can’t we just get along?’. Similarly the Hon. Nelson Mandella after serving 27 years in prison under a government of Apartheid in South Africa, when he was finally released, declared that he had no intention of seeking revenge. That he had no desire to walk around with a heart and a mind filled with hate. It would do him no good to hate those who imprisoned him. With this attitude he established a functioning system which he labeled Truth and Consequence. By accepting and working with this mechanism, a possible bloody civil war was averted. With that attitude, he was selected to become the first Black Prime Minister of South Africa. For him it was ,let us live together in peace and harmony. He showed us all that human beings can settle problems without the use of arms. Human beings have the potential to live above the destruction of wars. It is often said that the human species is one of a very few animals that will kill its own kind. The wars attest to that. But at the same time ,human beings are capable of removing themselves from this description.
Coming nearer home, right at our doorstep, the CAQ government seems to be determined to settle old scores. I am tired to hear, to read the number of Legislations purposely crafted to make life uncomfortable for the English speaking minorities in Quebec. This would be fair game assuming that the speaking of French was on the decline. So naturally, to strengthen the use of French, one must weaken the use of English. The evidence of French decline has not been totally confirmed. Both languages can grow together. The growth of one should not negate the growth of the other. Also English is the first language of several minority groups who are quietly learning French. They are not anti-French,
At times I feel entrapped by volumes of unwelcome and distressful T.V. coverages. I must escape from some of these very disturbing TV scenes. I must take a break and keep my sanity. So I will be focusing on the meaning and activities of Advent and of Christmas. To celebrate the birth of Christ and the preparation of His second coming. This also will include the four topics of Advent, namely, Hope, Peace, Joy, and Love. The study of these along with my own introspection, hopefully will lift me up to higher ground.

So may I wish the management and staff, the writers, and of course you the readers of the Community Contact, the very best for a peaceful and happy holiday season.