Hoping to improve access to healthcare for Immigrants

If you’re a new immigrant to Montreal without insurance or unable to pay for health care, you’re not alone. An estimated 50,000 people are reportedly living under such circumstances, according to a recent Institut de recherché en santé publique of Universitaire study.
To that end, on June 4 a multicultural research team began work in various Montreal neighborhoods to gather data that could be used to improve the health of people living in Montreal without medical insurance, the objective been to assist immigrants in finding alternate means to accessing healthcare.
The Université de Montréal initiative will also provide the research team with firsthand information about immigrants’ experiences (with health problems and lack of medical coverage). The study also aims to “identify obstacles impacting the health of persons without medical insurance and to sensitize communities and policy makers to the need for improved access to healthcare by the target group.
At 50,000, the number is predicted to rise as restrictive immigration policies in Canada “increase the number of migrants with precarious immigration status.”
Over the last three years a team of multilingual researchers have been on hand providing participants with information and guidance about accessing medical care and information on available community resources.
Given their depth of knowledge, the support of community leaders is essential in addressing this urgent immigrant problem. Community leaders are therefore encouraged to support the research team in reaching immigrants who may be lacking public or private medical insurance.”
For information and inquiries about the study, contact Ms. Magalie Benoit, Research Coordinator at 514-643-6111 (Ext. 0601) or email magalie.benoit.1@umontreal.ca. If you’re interested in participating in the study, call 514-349-3098 or email santedesmigrants@gmail.com.