Dr. Alwin Spence

Many, many years ago, a six-year-old boy got ready to go to big school for the first time. He held his mother’s hand, o r maybe she held his hand while walking to the elementary school which was about a mile away. But soon this boy was so excited and anxious to get to school
that he pulled away his hand and started to skip, to jump and to run as he thought his mother was not moving fast enough. However, reaching the school and seeing the large number of students, he became a little scared, waited for his mother and again held her hand. His mother knew the teacher who was standing with her other new students. She took her son to the front of the line and greeted the teacher. Looking at her list of about forty-five new students, she asked, ‘ What is your name?’ His mother attempted to give his name but there was a hard pull on her hand which meant that the question was to him and not to her. Mother adjusted, looked at her son, and he answered, ‘My name is Alwin Spence.’ The teacher then asked if he could spell his name. He said he could and without hesitation he rattled off A-L-W-I-N-S-P-E-N-C-E.. The other children cheered as he was sent to join the line. His two older sisters who were in their respective lines waved to him and to their mother as she left to return home. Going to school for that little boy was an experience that could not come any earlier. Playing school with his older sisters and looking forward to the time he would be going with them, had been achieved.
Tuesday, Sept., after Labour Day, most of our Public and Private schools reopened after the long Summer Break, and one could see the anxiety and excitement of those returning and those who will have their first experience in a real school, away from the care and security of their home. For these new students, it was a big step, intimidating at times but a major part of our culture. Before my first week was over Miss Thompson, my teacher, took me by the hand, and she, carrying my slate and pencil, brought me to the next level class. It seemed that the playschool with my older sisters had paid off, as she recognised that most of the things she was going to teach I had already learnt, so the first class was not a challenge for me. She did this without any consultation with my parents. When they heard that I had moved up to another level, the response was simple, that the teacher knows what is best for the students. The role, the responsibility to get the best out of the student is almost exclusively that of the teacher, to help to direct the child under his/her care, to become the best he/she will ever be. My early education and my vocational choice were almost totally fashioned by my teachers. Most teachers are always trying to get the best from their students, for the good of each student.


Whoever coined this phrase must have had a very positive relationship with his/her teachers, enjoyed school and looked back with fondness and gratitude to the teachers who contributed to their own personal achievement. Most of us who spent so many years in school with different teachers have good positive things to say about them, and the rare bad teacher is readily discounted as just one bad apple. Presently some schools are fortunate to have the knowledge and the service of counsellors, oftentimes to channel our students into suitable Colleges and vocations. But there are many schools where this responsibility is also that of the teachers. Often, they are like parents, guidance counsellors, and of course teachers. So, in the building of a country, where the family is the foundation, what place or role does the teacher play? A very, very important one. Most teachers, I must say, are people oriented, believing that one cannot build a good society without honest , hardworking people. The teacher has a part to play in the molding and development of these productive citizens. Please excuse my bias, if any, as I am both a teacher and a counsellor. Mark you the most important reward to the teacher is the success of every single one of his/her students. Is there a teacher who never had a good word to pass on to his/her students? Hard to believe there is one. So collectively teachers have a high and prominent place in the building of any society……But wait a minute, where is he going with all of this?


Some of the contestants to become running mate of Vice President Kamala Harris might have had a more popular profile than Mr. Tim Walz, teacher, coach, and later to become Governor. Maybe the teacher in him might have tipped the selection in his favour. The V.P. must have seen in him that characteristic which endeared him to his students, to his team, to his State, and to his country. The bottom line is there, Mr. Walz seems to love human beings and wants everyone to be the best he/she can. The V.P., a woman, a Minority must have shared that one characteristic which would have helped her to make up her mind and select her running mate from all the qualified and dynamic candidates from which she had to choose. With Mr. Tim Walz
, the American people seem to be the winners. So far, so good, this twosome seems to have brought a breath of fresh air, energized the political campaign and made the race for the Whitehouse more competitive.
But my Democratic friends, please remember that a cunning fox may have several holes, hence is very hard to trap, to catch, to subdue, to beat and to capture. Seal those holes and cover them with the inescapable net. Remember the teacher is an expert in Human Behavior.
Madam V. P., the question is not anymore, who will bell the fox? The fox is yours to bell and to subdue. I take the liberty to say, Canada wishes you the very best in your race to the Whitehouse.