An ongoing four-year real-life blockbuster political reality horror show, starring the world’s first-ever perfect superlative human being, is nearing its conclusion — not soon enough for many
I’ve never taken kindly to the self-serving ad nauseam pontificating: “most powerful man… most powerful country…” It all grates on my ears, my psyche.
For various reasons news is always of interest to me, so watching daily images and hear-ing that unique and unmistakable voice always expounding… make me cringe. It’s like rubbing styrofoam together. Merriam-Webster defines it as “styrophobia.”
Nevertheless, strap in. It’s called Trumping… nothing short of an interminable reality show playing out, but many have long tuned out, switched channel, or shut off altogether.
Conjure images of the last three years and ten months plus two months and three weeks to go – unfortunately.
Racism, socio-political polarization, unfettered hate and hatred, justice for some, police brutality, social, judicial injustice for many others are key ingre-dients…
But you can’t miss the key figure, calling himself massive businessman, al-ways courting the camera and the limelight — and daylight for that matter. A massive personality and personality, impossible to miss, attracting atten-tion… pumping his massive ego. All of which eventually landed him in poli-tics… and, against all odds a massive political position.
But greed and desire for socio-political power and global attention became his undoing. [Having taken his specious businessman acumen, reality show antics and bright lights on international television screens yearning celebrity, hubris and feigning international… unprecedented global “greatness” and, contingent on ratings, unfettered possibilities to satiate his yearning individ-ual international human greatness.]
Thing is, he was going about his business of courting attention and popularity when he was perceptibly (some even suggest mentally) warped and hobbled by two viruses — racism/race-baiting… and a more deadly disease, the Novel Coronavirus Covid-19 global pandemic.
Businessman? His (failing) apprenticeship in politics was now being compounded by more urgent, serious and deadly matters and challenges: lack of science knowl-edge and serious (all-inclusive and representative) political leadership.
So… slippery as he is, and being one to not shy away from a challenge there he was dipping his feet into the unpredictable waters of politics, and beyond all naysayers wildest imagination, he continues to soldier on — if you will — using his cult-like charm, personality and penchant for weaving falsehoods (lies) and promises… hav-ing managed to bamboozle his way into the White House misusing his position and office to mislead a core group of adherents into his mental wilderness of social chaos of lies and destruction.
Last weekend the story of the year 2020, the CoronavirusCovid-19 pandemic was front and center, when the superlative man contracted Covid-19, having stated on many occa-sions that like magic it would/will “disappear…”
Over 213,000 Americans have succumbed to the deadly virus. But ‘no mask-wearing’ political superhuman [superman] continues to spew deadly virus and lies, contaminating, spreading lies like the virus, pretending…
He’s going down
He has received his comeuppance — “No mask revenge.”
But, he has undoubtedly received the news of an attempted coup d’État by a militia group to kidnap the Governor of Michigan, a woman who has been a recurring target of his presidential vectives…
As someone said about the president you have become “a victim of your own failures…”
“Callous indifference” is how one news anchor described the situation of the president last Sunday when he was saluting and ‘thumbs-upping’ as he was leaving the hospital where he was being treated for his Covid-19 illness.
We can also shout out to the president during his bull-horning and haranguing on the hustings… that no matter the colour: “masks do matter!”
Maybe what befell the superior being — “most powerful man” and president of the “most powerful country” is a bit of divine intervention for misleading, misguiding, misinform-ing, deceiving… to the American people about himself and the political pandemic and miasma of lies he’s allowed to permeate in multiple communities, sacrificing tens of thousands of lives — numbers that continue to increase daily — that’s Divine Interven-tion.
The names of all ‘the fallen’ being mentioned in the news are the sacrificial lambs of the self-serving political Jim Jones.
But far from wishing the world’s pre-eminent political cultist ‘wrath’, here’s wishing him, as well as his cultists/adherents who opted to imbibe his political “Kool Aid” cour-age vis-a-vis their political and virus battles… especially on their sinking re-election journey to wherever…
Late Part 4 of his great experiment of political greatness and in the end unfulfilled and unrealized dreams and promises he was challenged by an unprecedented foe that, no matter how he tried, lied and denied… he couldn’t vanquish.
Under his current incipient autocratic regime time won’t afford him time, or afford him the authority or privilege to realize his dubious dream…
One of his sons calls him a “…warrior.”
But there’s something to be said about Karmic forces.
As Curtis Mayfield sang during a(nother) tumultuous period in America: “If there’s hell below, we’re all gonna go…”
Given karmic forces, that 4-year J. Jonesesque scenario was predictable. With each passing day the excruciating pain is becoming less so; one is already an-ticipating and seeing brighter days ahead.
All that’s left to be done right now is just watch the D-rated serial run its sad course; no Grammy or Nobel Prize will be awarded in this instance.
Look forward to the next political and historical blockbuster coming in Janu-ary 2021.
Don’t worry, Curtis, from your celestial vantage point you might catch a glimpse of the superlative man along with his enablers on his/their way down.
we’ll be here as the clouds break up, giving way to a new and sunny day…