Trinity Memorial Events
Trinity Children’s Choir will be holding a new music program for children, ages 5-12 at Trinity Memorial Church, 5220 Sherbrooke St. West each Saturday June 20 to August 15 from 11 a.m.-12 p.m. The program will be teaching children to sing using traditional African-American spiritual and contemporary Gospel styles of music. $40 for 8 sessions, $10 for 1 session (walk-ins welcomed).
Then on Saturday, September 12, from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., it will be Trinity Memorial Block Party on the church lawn. Enjoy music, food and fun for the family. Performers are being sought to help with the entertainment. For info on events (514) 484-3102.

Deliverance Church of God Seventh Day Summer 2015 activities
Fundraising Bazaar, July 5, at 4020 Grand Blvd. from 12 to 5 p.m. Refreshments will be sold, also used clothes, household items, children’s clothes and more. Then on July 24, 12 to 5 p.m. at Charles Estes Park (between Madison Ave. and West Hill Ave.) in NDG it will be a Community outreach event. All are welcome. Come and get to know your neighbors.

Union United Church Picnic
On Saturday, July 11 Union United invites all to their church family picnic at St. Zotique Beach. Bus will leave Union United at 8 a.m. sharp. Seniors 65 years and older, $7; 13-64 years-old $10; Children 6-12 years-old $5; 3-5 years-old $3. Toddlers 0-2 years-old and Sunday school children, free.

Gifted apostle to launch St. Peter’s Baptist Church
Apostle Isaiah Hans founder and leader of Bethel Christian Church International in Ghana West Africa  will be in Montreal for the launch of the St. Peter’s Spiritual Baptist Church, at 410 Clement Street, in  Plaza  Sami Fruits.
Apostle Isaiah Hans is  gifted in power ministry,  working of miracles, healing deliverance and visions who planted more than hundred churches and has been in the ministry for 25 years.