Calling women to a life of purpose

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Jacqueline Morrison is a Life Leadership Strategist who says that over the past two years she has had the opportunity and privilege to bring to the Montreal community years of experience in the area of “Life-Leadership” through her program Growth by Design Leadership.
“In every season of life, especially during transitions, you have many decisions to make, making the right decision is not always easy, but possible. Having a coach or being in the company of women who make good life decisions emppastor J  morrisonowers and encourages you along the way, she states. “Growth by Design Leadership believes in the “greatness that is within you” to make the type of decisions that will move your life forward.”
She added that according to Kenneth H. Blanchard, “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in something, you do it only when it’s convenient. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses; only results.”
“Growing and investing in your personal growth process has to be intentional in order to be proficient and excellent, even in areas of your strengths. Growth by Design Leadership believes in the “greatness that is within you” to make the type of decisions that will move your life forward.“
Mrs. Morrison invites women across Montreal to join a uniquely designed workshop on JUNE 18, at The Atwater Library in downtown Montreal, from 10:30 am – 1:00 pm.
“Join the journey and be a part of the growing number of women who are living a life of purpose on purpose.” Contact her at 514-660-3709.