Be a star this Christmas season

Pastor Julianna newMerry Christmas and Happy New Year to all!
Christmas is not about Santa Claus, fun, gifts, exchanging of gifts, eating and drinking, decorating, etc., it’s the celebration of a great king.
Christmas is about Christ’s birth. The time and season of his birth has a purpose for all mankind. As we read the Bible in Matthew Ch. 2, we see that King Herod was angry about Jesus’s arrival on earth.
He could not accept the star that shone in the East. Imagine the star of the East brought pain to his heart; he was so troubled by the star of Christ. He had an emergency meeting with all the chief priests and scribes. He alerted the whole of Jerusalem about the star in the East.
That star was the light of the world and his name is Jesus the Christ, wonderful counselor, mighty God, the everlasting father, the Prince of Peace, Emmanuel, God with us. The star was sending a message to the whole world. The star was shining on our behalf because it was being sent for us. The star is light and it brings revelation and illumination.
The star of Jesus shone so bright because He was so great and His destiny was proclaimed for the whole world to know that God so loved the world that He gave His son for all mankind for all generations in order to reconsider man back to God by faith in Christ Jesus. Each and every one must be wise to get to know this star.
Each one of us has a star; your greatness is seen in a star and your brightness seen in the world. If you doubt the ability of your life shining like a star to reflect your greatness on Earth, see how the actors and actresses in Hollywood come together and have ordained a night for the stars.
This is a night where the stars come out with glitter and glam tailored with red carpets. On that night they are sending a message to all the viewers about how great and bright they are because of their talents and status in Hollywood.
This holiday season, I want to let you know that you are also a star to your generation. When you believe it you will begin to shine: You will shine academically, you will shine at your place of employment. You will shine financially and become a light in this dark world.
Please keep in mind that each generation has their own King Herod and these types of people do not want you to shine and become a great star because they are threatened by your greatness. Just as King Herod was threatened by what was prophesied of the star of Christ, some people will feel threatened by your destiny and great potential.
Jesus Christ came as a light to expose darkness.
Even the darkness in your life, you are the light to your family, to your world and to your generation.
A light set on a hill cannot be hidden light meant to shine for the wise men followed the star until they came to where Jesus Christ the star was and there they bowed down and worshipped the King of Kings and Lord of lords.
When they met the star face-to-face they were exceedingly joyful; they rejoiced, saying because of you it was the end of slavery and the beginning of freedom for mankind. When you really understand the reason for the season you will enjoy the Christmas holidays and you too will be exceedingly joyful.
From House of Prayer for All Nations it’s Pastor and members.
We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year for 2016.