Two active three year olds Len and Luke


A foster home is being sought for Len,  an active three year old child who is full of energy outgoing and interacts well with adults. Len is able to play individually and with his peers.  He is described as a sociable, busy and a curious child. He can be stubborn but responds well to structure and consistency. He eats and sleeps well.
Len’s mother is not able to take care of him. Thus, he needs a family who can make a commitment to him for as long as he needs.   The ideal family would be a two parent Black family who will be open to structured visits from his mot


A Mixed Bank Home is being sought for busy, lively and sociable, three (3) year old Luke, who loves to sing and welcomes as many applauses that can be given after his performances. He has a good daily routine, sleeps through the night, and is not a picky eater he loves food.
Luke is developing age appropriately, is able to give and receives affection.  It can be challenging caring for Luke as he tends to tantrum, if he is not allowed to have his own way. However, with structure and consistency he can be redirected to follow clear directions. Luke is in daycare, is adapting to the structure and interacting well with his peers.
Luke’s parents are not able to take care of him. Ideally, he needs a two-parent Black Family who can make the commitment to care for him for as long as he needs or to adopt him if the situation arises.
For more information about providing a Mixed Bank Home (Fostering with a view to adoption) for Luke or providing a foster home for Len. Please call Batshaw Youth and Family Centres at 514-932-7161, local 1139.