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Hailed as an “Honorary Matriarch” and a loving aunt, Aunt Catherine is described as “friendly, jovial and nice.” The thing that she loves best, up to today, is attending church as a devout Anglican. The Cathedral downtown has been her place of worship for decades and today her only deterrent is the dreaded Covid-19.
Montreal was a much different city when Aunt Catherine landed here in 1947 but she was able to stake out a place here and open the door for a long line of family to follow in her footsteps.
She worked for decades at C.P Rail’s office building downtown, while her husband worked on the trains.
Today, Aunt Catherine basks in the loving care of her son on the South Shore and still enjoys her daily conversations with relatives and friends.
One of her nieces Ms. Ethel Lake, says Aunt Catherine continues to have an insatiable appetite for politics and is always ready to offer an opinion. The two talk almost every day.
And as she continues to blossom, the one thing that those who are close to “Miss Christmas”-Aunt Catherine say is: she lives a beautiful life.

Happy 100th birthday to that beautiful woman from Trials, Montserrat who has made Montreal a better place for many.