Mother’s Day means different things to different people.
For some, Mother’s Day is a time of celebration; for others, it is a time of painful memories; for others, it is a time of loving reflection from a significant loss and for others, it is a time of shattered dreams and infertility.
Mother’s day can be a day of celebration and it can be a day of pain, hurt, and loss.
Mother’s Day will never be the same for me since my mom died.
Whatever this Mother’s Day means to you:
Celebrate and honor the blessing of your mom. Please don’t take her for granted; tell her how much she means to you.
Tell your mother that you love her.
If the relationship with your mom is strained or even nonexistent, do what you can to reconcile if it is emotionally and physically SAFE to do so. If not, embrace those who have played that vital role for you.
And remember, you only have control of your behaviors and reactions.
You can’t make anyone be something they can’t or are unwilling to be.
If you are grieving the loss of your mom, acknowledge the truth of your pain and begin your healing journey.
Take time to reflect and remember; take time to heal at your own pace.
There is beauty and healing in the memories.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted –
Matthew 5:4
Receive God’s unconditional LOVE for you, which is not based on what you’ve done or who you are but on who HE is.
Ask for help to work through any losses if you need to, for a death or a living loss.
Recognize your feelings of loss, tell God how you feel, and talk about your feelings with safe people.
Don’t allow bitterness from your hurt to steal your present and future joy.
Receive God’s healing comfort.
He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds –
Psalm 147:3
Forgive those who might have hurt you, and forgive yourself. Forgiveness is for you, and it will set you free.
Make allowance for each other’s faults, and forgive anyone who has offended you. Remember, the Lord forgave you, so you must forgive others.
Trust God even when it’s hard.
Let the tears flow if they come. “Tears are words the heart can’t express.”
We can’t pretend to know exactly what anyone is going through this Mother’s Day, but take a moment to remember that there are people who might find it painful and difficult and can’t wait for the day to be over.
I am praying for your peace, healing, restoration, contentment, forgiveness, comfort, patience, and hope.
Thank you Lord, for your grace in walking through the difficult times.
Celebrate your mom if she is with you, and if she’s not with you, celebrate the memories and your healing.
Whatever thoughts and feelings Mother’s day brings, may God’s peace be with you!
Have a blessed Mother’s Day!