So many believers are overzealous in the things of God, yet still find themselves victims of simple things they could have avoided in their personal lives had they exercised wisdom.
Jesus was a man of wisdom, which is available to us all. The Bible says we simply need to ask God in heaven for wisdom and it will be given freely.
In the times we are living we need to pray for wisdom on a daily basis, wisdom as a principal thing. If we apply it on a daily basis our days on Earth will be prolonged, our lives will be preserved, most importantly, wisdom will disarm our enemies and adversaries.
The battles of life are won according to the the instruction of the Spirit of God.
King Solomon was the wisest man that ever lived on Earth, and he gave us, in the book of Proverbs 31 chapters to read daily, one for each day of the month. Sad to say, many have never taken the time to read them.
Readers, not all the battles of life are won by physical confrontation; some must be fought, but some are to be avoided altogether. And it is wisdom that will help you know the difference.
When you decide to apply the principles of wisdom rather than fight a battle not worth fighting your enemies will be frustrated and confused.
Almost any form of struggle can be considered a battle; however, not all struggles are resolved the same way.
There are physical battles and there are spiritual ones; relationship battles, not forgetting health battles, educational battles, the list could go on and on.
There are silent battles, there are loud battles, there are financial battles, but in most cases the major ones are best conquered by applying wisdom; it comes from God and he gives it to those who desire it so that we can tap into its many benefits. We all need it to survive in this world.
Jesus flowed in wisdom because it is a principal thing. It caused him to avoid every form of confrontation and thwart the plots of the enemy. Wisdom enhanced his ministry because it was from above.
Many of us allow ourselves to become victims of wickedness because we trust people more than we trust God’s wisdom, which will make you bold and brave in order to discern how to deal with all kinds of people you may encounter.
Wisdom will cause you to escape the schemes of those who are defrauding people out of their life’s savings to escape debt, it will preserve your marriage and cause you to obtain favour.
As we approach the end of another year, I pray that we all will embrace wisdom like never before.
I also wish the Montreal CommunityCONTACT family wisdom, not just for the holidays, but a wealth of wisdom for the coming year.
I pray for an enlargement to the CONTACT workers and their families. May the wisdom of God be with the CONTACT newspaper personnel to preserve them and enable them to do things that would attract even more readers, supporters and advertisers.
We the readers have a responsibility to spread the word and advertise the wonderful information given to us from this paper, written for the Black community.
We the Black race and Black community have been treated very special and highly esteemed because of the CommunityCONTACT newspaper. May God bless you all and may the wisdom of God preserve you for generations to come.