What’s Your Story?

What’s Your Story?

Your story has many different chapters, one bad chapter in your life doesn’t mean that your story is over.
One bad chapter doesn’t mean that you throw away the whole book just like one bad season in your life doesn’t mean that you throw in the towel and just give up.
Your past doesn’t have to define your future. You’re not a product of your circumstances; you are a product of your choices.
So you have to be intentional and choose wisely.
We are all a work in progress. Life challenges are inevitable and figuring out your next step may not be easy but it is possible.
We all go through periods of testing and trials. The challenges of life may slow you down but don’t let them take you down.
You have to remember that re-directing your life takes time and there are a lot of ups and downs in the process. Don’t give up just because things are hard right now.
It’s okay to get discouraged but you have the power to decide that you are not going to stay there.
Think about all of your blessings, think about all of the good in your life!
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.
In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths – Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust God and reflect on all of the circumstances that He has brought you through.
Be encouraged. Be optimistic.
And remember you decide how your next chapter will read.
Your story isn’t over yet but know that you can’t start the next chapter if you keep re-reading your last chapter.
Learn from your past but don’t get stuck there. Embrace the discomfort of your new journey and keep moving forward.
Writing your next chapter may be difficult; you may have to restart it a few times and make several adjustments in the process… but you are the author, so don’t let anyone take control of your pen.
Every moment holds an opportunity to start fresh. It’s time to start creating the new chapters of your life.
And remember…
“Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” Seneca

Blessings, Bev J