It is time to recognize where our help comes from. The source of our help comes from the Lord. Everyone on planet Earth needs help, even helpers need help. But one thing is certain, we cannot make it in life without help and helpers.
Some tell themselves, “I can make it on my own,” while others call themselves independent. But the truth is, you cannot make it in life without helpers.
Today, I want you to know that our creator, God, is the source of all our help. He is our present help in times of trouble and our help is in the name of the Lord. Our creator highly esteemed help and helpers.
In Genesis, after creating Adam, he saw how lonely he was in the world and decided to give him a wife and call that wife a helper.
No one on planet Earth can ever succeed without the help of someone else. Someone helped you get that job that you are currently doing, someone helped to purchase the car that you are now driving, someone helped you migrate to Canada, and someone helped you get your permanent status.
There are also different types of help on the market. There’s help within the family, such as aunties, uncles, brothers, sisters, friends… It’s nice to have some very loyal friends to help raise you and make you the person you are today.
Dear readers, you’re never alone! Even though sometimes you may feel lonely, you are never alone.
It’s unfortunate that so many commit suicide leaving notes with statements of their motives saying that they were lonely, leaving their loved ones feeling sad and guilty over the situation.
These victims were very self-centred in the sense that they only thought and focussed on themselves; they never took the time to consider or access the wonderful caring relationships that were available for them to tap into. Such tragic events should not take place, because God himself has positioned himself to never leave us nor forsake us, and to be present to help us when we are in need.
So today, I want you to take advantage of the help that is available for you on a daily basis. Our God is a very present help. All you need to do is ask for his help. Be bold and honest with yourself and say “Lord, I need your help.” He has lots of helpers available to rescue you. His help can do a lot of things for your destiny.
In Psalms 127, verse 1, King David says except the Lord build your house your labor will be in vain. What King David is explaining here, in other words, is that unless you recognize that God is a principle help all your hard work would be in vain.
In the times we are living, we need to pray more and ask God for his divine help, his supernatural help, help that is beyond human understanding. It’s time to stop pretending you can do it on your own. You need the help of God.
Days of being a lone ranger are over. There are no more self-made men or women on the market so position yourself in the helpers’ line and see how God will take care of you and find a way to help someone else.
God loves to help helpers. Please take time to pray for your divine helpers to come your way because you need them and the beauty of the matter is that you may not know just how much someone else needs you.
If you need help and need a helping hand, there are many of us in the community of God’s house of prayer to be of assistance. Join us Sunday’s at 12pm noon and at 6:30pm Tuesday evenings for Bible Study.
4119 DeMaisonneuve O. (Atwater metro) 514-341-4901
Pastor Julianna Daniel