Dr. Alwin Spence.

Over the last two weeks, there were two very important political events. One was Super Tuesday, where primary voting was done to select party candidates for the upcoming presidential election this year. About one third of the States generally vote on this Tuesday.
Past president Trump did well for the Republicans. The results and support for the past president forced his last opponent, Nikki Haley, to throw in the towel, but she did not endorse Mr. Trump, or anyone else. At the same time President Biden with no declared opponent did very well in those States. So, it seems it will be a repeat of the last Presidential election, Trump for the Republicans and Biden for the Democrats.
Up to this point, on a national level the polls seem to have Trump leading by a very small margin.
The second important event was the State of the Union Presidential address by President Biden. I have not seen any polls since that address, but the Democrat Camp is proud and happy with Biden’s performance, hoping it will completely remove any negativity about his age of 81 years. He was feisty and combative, and showed that he is the commander-in-chief. So, the real campaign has started, and the Democrats are fired up. A light moment in the State of the Union aftermath was the rebuttal by a Republican Senator. It was a laughing affair even by some Republicans.
I have been asking some of my Canadian Black friends for their opinion since the stake is very high for the over thirty million Blacks living in the U.S. Blacks have traditionally and overwhelmingly voted for the Democratic Party. Because of this support, a Black President was elected to this high office, and even though some felt that his presidency did not do enough for them, the vast majority will continue to support the Democrats. From where I sit, and despite Republican hoopla, I would not even consider a possible win for Mr. Trump, or even any slip of Black votes going to Mr. Trump. Women, Educated Whites, and Black votes should give President Biden a comfortable win, if not a landslide. His age, which, up to his speech, seemed to have been the Republican weapon., his speech may have put that to rest. Mr. Trump has too much unwanted baggage which has left him unfit and unqualified for this high office. It seems to me that presently Republican members are in a daze, but they will wake up after the election and decide again whom they want in their bed.
Senator Tim Scott, the only visible minority, visible to us all, beside or behind Mr. Trump, if he is promised anything, should know, Blacks are opposed to his affiliation, thus they will hesitate to support him. If the head of the stream is not clean, the trickling running water will also not be clean.
So if you have relatives and friends in the U.S., who have acquired voting privilege, Blacks and other Canadians are telling you that Mr. Trump was not nice to Canada, and we cannot afford any fights, morally, socially, economically or militarily with our closest and friendly neighbour, so go out and vote Democrat and save the cordial and decent relationship Canada and the U.S. have always had.
Making America great is a loaded statement. If ‘GREAT’ means a return to Black servitude and loss of opportunities, then Blacks cannot support this backward direction. The climb has started, and Blacks will not look down or back. For Blacks it will be onward and upward.