Duke Eatmon brings his arsenal of musical knowledge to Chuck D Presents: This Day in Rap and Hip Hop History Egbert Gaye In Montreal, probably in all of Canada,...
IT MATTERS – Dr. Alwin Spence The phrase Black Lives Matter” has come into prominence as a result of so many black males, in particular, who have been...
By Rasta KEITH During the last several weeks, news of the return of an American university student to the United States after his release from imprisonment in the Democratic...
Egbert Gaye Seems like only yesterday when the fresh-faced Barack Obama came out of nowhere and imposed himself on the conscience of the entire world with a simple message...
Fidel Castro was many things to many people, among which was a polarizing figure. That’s irrefutable. Some people loved him and others loathe him. When the legendary Cuban revolutionary...
“Merry Christmas From Andra Day” – Warner Bros Records When Day re-recorded Stevie Wonder’s classic 1967 anti-war Christmas anthem “Someday At Christmas” with the Motown legend himself as a...
Rasta KEITH Depending on which end of the political spectrum Grenadians find themselves, November 24, 2016 will go down in the annals of history either as a day...
“It will be refreshing to have a classy, beautiful, dignified First Lady in the White House,” a white woman in a place called Clay County, West Virginia, wrote in...
Commentary Blacks in Donald Trump’s America Egbert Gaye So America chose Trump. What the world has seen over the last 18 months or so, is that Donald J. Trump...
Get on The Flight for free We are a month away from Christmas, the season of giving, and I’m happy to use my two favorite four-letter words in one...