Quarantine Time

Quarantine Time

So my question is… what are you doing with your dash?

Are you aware of how precious the gift of time is in your life?
“Time is free, but it’s priceless.
You can’t own it, but you can use it.
You can’t keep it, but you can spend it.
Once you’ve lost it you can never get it back.”
 H. Mackay
God has given us the gift of time, but we have to choose what we are going to do with it.
We all receive the same 24 hours in a day; it’s what we decide to do with the time that makes all of the difference.
How have you been spending your time during this global pandemic?
John Maxwell says: “We need to learn to manage ourselves and not try to manage time.”
The clock will keep ticking whether you choose to use your time wisely or waste it all away.
Are you being proactive, productive, creative, growing, learning and changing for the better in the time that you’ve been given OR are you reactive, angry, jealous, stagnant, stuck, hopeless, wishing, but not taking any actions?
There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven – Ecclesiastes 3:1
So… let us all use our time wisely.
Remember: Lost time can never be found again, it’s gone.
We all have the same 86,400 seconds in a day, how will you choose to use your time?
We waste too much time worrying and thinking about things that don’t really matter or things that we don’t have any control over.
Don’t waste your time on things that don’t matter.
We waste time in anger, jealousy, and unforgiveness and holding on to grudges.
We waste so much time focusing on what other people are doing with their lives instead of creating the life that we desire.
Will you come out of this pandemic with new knowledge, a new skill, rested, energized, more organized, with improved physical fitness or just getting those things done that you’ve been putting off?
Will you take the time to journal, ask for help if you’re struggling, read, self-reflect, cry and grieve over any perceived losses from this on going pandemic?
Whatever you decide to do use this time wisely. Prioritize the things that need to get done.
Time is precious, it’s a gift, learn to manage yourself well and use the time that you have wisely. Don’t take the time that you’ve been given for granted.
Psalm 90:12 -Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so that we may grow in wisdom.
I once heard someone say: “we all have a birth date and we will all eventually have a death date, but the dash in-between those dates represents the life that we’ve lived.”
So my question is…what are you doing with your dash?

Blessings, Bev