April 28th, in Quebec, is a day of mourning to remember those who have died or been injured on the job. This year they decided to pay tribute to essential workers for their outstanding work during the pandemic.
This had me thinking about the work we are doing for the kingdom of God. Do we or have we paid tribute to the faithful essential workers doing the work of the ministry?
Those who pray when there is no prayer meeting. Those who volunteer to clean the church. Those in the choir or worship team. Those who despite covid are still reaching out to the homeless. Still feeding the poor. Still taking care of the widows. Those who refrain from food and sleep to pray and stand in the gap for others. Do we take time to remember them?
These are the heroes that go on our behalf before the one who holds our breath. These are the ones that work with God to help your destiny, by pruning the spiritual garden of your life.
Jesus himself prayed until his sweat became like blood. Spiritual intercession is hard work. Pulling down strongholds of the mind and heart in prayer and challenging wickedness in high places with the word of God are tasks that require faith and stamina to persevere towards a breakthrough. Towards victory, towards life.
So let us be strong in the Lord and the power of His might because all power belongs to God.
The kingdom of God is very active and many of us are serving the Lord to help the advancement of his gospel. God has sent his word and we have been called to pray the word to loose the word to declare His word into manifestation here in the earth. Let us strengthen one another with the greatest tool we have that connects us to God- Prayer. Pray for your pastor, pray for your doctor, pray for your employer, pray for your neighbours and pray for the bus driver.
In the beginning, God appointed all mankind to have dominion over the earth. So, we are all workers in the kingdom. Let’s keep pressing on.
Colossians 3:23 instructs us that “whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for people.” If you can sing, praise God. If you can talk let your speech edify the name of the Lord, if you can cook make it a ministry to bless others.in all that we do let’s not forget the assignment of prayer.
So to the essential workers making a daily living in the hospitals, schools, grocery stores, etc.; and to those of you working for the kingdom of God, standing in prayer, supporting the work of God; we salute you all.
Do not fear man or even the intensity of the regulations and the pandemic but do what is right in the sight of God. Wherever you work and whatever service you give whether for the pay or not for pay, for an employer or for the kingdom. Do it as unto God. God is looking throughout the earth for people to pray. Will you be one of them? People Reaching After Yeshua (P.R.A.Y)
Pastor Julianna Daniel