By Sister Niya Muhammad
Committing to a new lifestyle that is not set by the world’s standards is not easy, that’s why fellowship is important.
Fellowshipping with a group of individuals who are striving for the same consistency and growth in their own lives helps to encourage one to stay on their chosen path. As the expression goes: If you spend time with nine broke people you are bound to be the tenth.
When we reach that point in our lives that we don’t want to be broke anymore we must implement a change. When a change in behaviour is required of you, it is meant to empower your life and help to shape you into the man or woman that you desire to be and have the potential to become. Once you can accept that you are meant for greatness, you will reach a new height of self-awareness.
The Honourable Elijah Muhammad said, “You are the captain of your life and the knowledge that is missing from your life is the knowledge of God and the knowledge of yourself, which is one and the same. You keep looking outside for the power of yourself but it lies in you.”
The Bible reads, “And he called unto him the twelve, and began to send them forth by two and two; and gave them power over unclean spirits…” (Mark 6:7). Why else would He have sent them out two by two unless Jesus Himself understood the importance of fellowship in doing His work? And how else would others know that he, sent these men in His name, unless their walk, talk and manner of dress were different from everyone else?
Some may address this as being a clone, but even in a sports game, how else would you know which team the player is on, unless they wear a uniform?
The symbolism of uniformity is what sets the members of that fellowship apart. When we accompany our change of mindset with a change in the way we dress, the way we speak and those whom we associate with, we are in essence giving up our former selves to follow the Christ, and congregate with those who are also in that frame of mind.
“Then said Jesus unto his disciples: If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow me.” (Matthew 16:24).
In the book, Message to the Black man, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches that in unity we can accomplish much with fellowship, one of our greatest wishes should be to want for our brother or sister what we would want for ourselves. Keeping in mind that even though we are all on various stages of our journey, the desired elements are still the same: freedom, justice and equality.
Let us continue to build, grow and work together to attain greater heights.
“Let us be concerned for one another, to help one another to show love and to do good. Let us not give up the habit of meeting together, as some are doing. Instead, let us encourage one another all the more, since you see that the Day of the Lord is coming nearer.”
-Hebrews 10-24-25 KJV
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In Unity, We Can Accomplish Much - Love and Life December 28, 2016 at 2:28 pm
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