We cannot fight this war with masks, lockdowns, shut downs, being locked up, and being shut up; we have to get to a place of prayer and fasting….
The Church is in crisis. Our relationship with God is in crisis. Since the beginning of this pandemic, the church has been told not to gather, then told not too much, then told not to sing, then told to wear a mask. It’s time for fasting and praying like never before.
The year 2020 was called the year of visions. The year 2020 was also called the year of the mouth. But we can clearly see that the enemy is attacking the mouth of the church. Naturally speaking, they have masked our mouths even to enter into the house of God to pray.
Now, we can’t even talk about what we are seeing happening. When men and women of God are rising up to expose some of the darkness associated with this pandemic we are being told to be quiet. It may have many targets, but clearly, this pandemic is aiming specifically against the churches of God. Is it a new crisis or one that is just spreading at an alarming global rate due to covid-19?
In the year 2019, Vladimir Putin made a decree to shut down all churches in Russia. No social gatherings were allowed and anyone caught with the holy Bible would be persecuted.
Does that sound extreme? This has been going on in North Korea for years. We in North America, however, need to pray that the spirit of communism does not invade our territory.
The communist hate the true and living God. They have their own God, they have built out of wood and everyone must follow and bow down to their idols.
Readers, get revelation, illumination, insight, and sight, that this COVID-19 is an entity. It is more powerful than you think. We cannot fight this war with masks, lockdowns, shut downs, being locked up, and being shut up; we have to get to a place of prayer and fasting.
We, the church, want freedom to serve our God. Some people are informed properly about what is going on in the world but servants of God, we must be informed but also get to a place of prayer, asking for God’s intervention. We need to pray for the heads of government all over the globe but most importantly for our own. We need to pray for their lives, their families and their protection. We need to bless them and speak good things about them.
They cannot bring an end to the pandemic because it’s an invincible sickness. We cannot see this killer virus with our eyes so we need to allow God to point us in the right direction. Please, readers let us get spiritual and pray and fast before it’s too late.
We, the pastors and people of House Of Prayer For All Nations, are already praying. Please join us to pray for our land and your land of Canada.
Pastor Julianna Daniel