No one likes to be called a fool even though we’ve all done some foolish things from time to time.
There are many things we don’t like in this life. I can make a list long enough to run from Canada to China of the things we do not like but there are not enough words available in this article. Besides I e got other things to say that are much more worth your time.
One thing I will mention is insults. We don’t like to be insulted. None of us do. Think about it, how do you feel when insulted? Shocked, upset, offended, angered, even hurt sometimes. The question, however, is not just how we feel. I think our natural, human emotional responses make us feel all these emotions no matter how holy or anointed we are.
The question however is not how we feel but how we react. I don’t mean impulsive reactions that are at times emotional and irresponsible but rather how we respond to an insult.
In, what I like to call, the Bible’s book of wisdom, we are told that “the vexation of a fool is known at once, but the prudent ignores an insult.” Proverbs 10:16-17
Are you prudent? What does that mean, exactly?
Such people are wise because they know how to be careful, discreet and sensible in their actions.
We can all feel angry, sad or even hurt because of insults but people of God let us learn to be prudent. Let us be mindful of the actions we take despite how we feel and more importantly in the midst of our feelings.
What I love about the Bible is that it won’t always call you a fool but it will describe a fool or describe what a fool does and if you so happen to do those things or match the description then you put two and two together and
Ephesians tells us that we can be angry and many times we may feel angry but this scripture teaches us and instructs us in verses 25-26 not to sin because of anger. In other words, do not act out on your feelings. Do not lash out. These are the areas and moments in life when we need to put on strength and discipline ourselves to exercise self-control. Patience and self-control work hand in hand.
Do you get vexed and want the world to know that Mr. Apple insulted you; therefore you are in the right to give them a piece of your mind? That is the behaviour of a fool. Was that an insult? Far from it. As you read this, I am not calling anyone a fool but I am giving you the biblical description of some characteristics of a fool.
If someone came up to you and told you that your skin is purple; would you argue with them to prove to them that you are not purple. You would ignore them because their claim is so far from the truth and from what you know about yourself and how God created you that you would not pay them any mind.
In the same manner, ignore all the insults that are far from God’s truth concerning you.
Especially the spiritual insults. There is an accuser of the brethren who takes pleasure in insulting the saints of God. Making deceptive claims against them and saying things that are far from God’s truth. It is up to us to know the Truth and allow Truth to set us free so that we don’t have to react in our emotions but ignore the lies of the enemy and the insults of men.
Be empowered by God’s word. You don’t need strength to lay back those who insult you but you need strength to control your actions and ignore the insult with prudence.
Ignore Foolishness