We are now in the year 2019, the year of expectation. It’s good to know the numbers and their representation.
For example, the number 10 is the number of man and the number 9 is the number for fruitfulness. A woman’s fruitfulness is demonstrated by birthing children and it takes nine months before giving birth a full-term baby.
Every human being must live with expectations.
To expect something is to look forward to something or to anticipate something; both of these words imply considering what is to come. So I want to put the emphasis on how we consider our future and the things we hope for and expect out of life, particularly in 2019.
We should be looking forward to something extraordinary, something special, something great.
You may be asking, how do we expect the great when we feel far from it or don’t know how to achieve it… by faith?
I want to encourage you to believe that this year is not going to be like last year, it’s going to be better than last year: more productive and creative because we are expecting it.
I am encouraging you to have hope.
When you have hope, you will get expectation.
Today, so many people have been suffering from hopelessness, even in the form of mental depression. It’s time to position yourself to get hope and create positive expectations.
My beloved readers, please understand that expectation only comes from God. You cannot expect anything in life if you don’t have hope and hope comes from God.
The Bible tells us in Hebrews 11:1 that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things unseen. So, in order to have hope we must have faith and faith comes by hearing the word of God.
So many of our youth feel hopeless; they are secretly depressed about what life is dishing out to them. They focus mainly on the here and now and for the most part do not have healthy and positive expectations from life.
God is looking for people to carry the gospel to the next generation, a generation that needs hope and motivaion, a generation that needs to be told God’s truths amidst the lies and deception that surrounds them.
Young people have great potential and strengths and God wants to work wonders through them. Only when we know the truth can we expect it. However, without Faith we cannot please God. The work of the Lord is in the hands of a people whose hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.
Be encouraged today. Expect God to be with you and expect Him to see you through to fulfill your destiny. Expect to make a difference in your generation whether as a minister of the gospel, as a worker, as a professional, as a police officer, as a civil servant, or as an entrepreneur.
This year, expect to serve God in spirit and in truth and work on building a relationship with Him. Expect the best! Expect to take responsibility for your life and your actions.
Do you expect to be satisfied with long life? If so, this year, with the expectation of the Lord in your heart, you are going to enjoy the months ahead. Expect the best, work towards it and seek God for it, walk each day with a positive state of mind and anticipation, and trust God.
We the pastors and leaders of House of Prayer for all Nations church expect to see great things happening in Montreal. We expect to see God’s love and truth move mightily in the city. We expect to see souls saved, set free and delivered.
If you desire any of these for your life, come join us for Sunday service at 12 noon, or Tuesdays at 6:30pm.
We can also be found on social media @hopfanqc
God bless, Pastor Julianna Daniel