Give thanks…

Give thanks…

Appreciate the gifts given to you

Are we taking our blessings for granted? The Bible tells us that every good and perfect gift comes from God. Your children are a gift from God. Your house is a gift from God. Your car is a gift from God. If you have a good and faithful friend; they are a gift.
Anything you have that someone else may not have should be considered a gift. Let us appreciate the gifts God has given and privileged us with.
How do we appreciate them? We take care of them, continually thank God for them and we pray for them. Maintain your car, maintain your house and maintain your relationships. Invest in the oil-change and the rustproofing your vehicle needs. Sweep, mop and clean the house. That fashionable wardrobe you wear so well also needs to be washed, dried, folded and ironed.
Many of us know what is best but are we doing what it takes to say “God I appreciate what you have given to me”. Are our behaviours, actions and attitudes saying “God I am grateful for this friend, for this wife you’ve blessed me with, this husband, this child, this house, this job etc”?
There is a saying: “we don’t know what we have until it’s gone”. Don’t wait until you lose something or someone you love before you treat it or them well.
If you have a dishwasher, praise God; some people do not and wash all of their dinnerware by hand.
If you have a washing machine; give thanks for once upon a time people had to wash their clothes by hand.
If you can read this article, shout for joy; some people cannot read and some cannot read the fine print. If you, by chance, fall into that latter category, you still have reason to rejoice because I suppose you have glasses or some kind of magnifying glass to see. Inasmuch, we can all thank God for the internet. If you are reading this article online you can zoom in and no one needs to know about the performance levels of your eyes.
Once you have come to a place where you can identify and recognize your diverse blessings, both great and small; I urge you to pray over them. Not only prayers of thanksgiving but prayers of protection and preservation. Pray over your vehicle and cover it in the blood of Jesus Christ. Ask the angels of the Lord to go before you when you drive and to protect you from accidents and sudden death. Pray for the longevity of your vehicle. It is amazing the amount of people who get in chronic accidents or become a hot magnet for tickets. Try giving your vehicle to God in prayer and with divine covering you will see total transformation.
Pray for that friend whose kindness and generosity are incomparable. Pray for that neighbour who mows your lawn and shovels your snow. If that neighbour were to get ill or hurt, they may no longer be able to extend that generous gift to you. Also, pray and seek God about how you can in return be a blessing to others with the blessings He has given you. How can you bless that neighbour? Could you buy them groceries or cook them a meal? Could you give someone a ride in that well-maintained car of yours? What about allowing a family member to use your washer and dryer instead of going to a laundromat?
The Turkey is overrated
Thanksgiving is about giving-thanks
Finally, you are a blessing! So, remember to pray for yourself and cover yourself in the blood of Jesus Christ and ask the Holy Spirit to guide your way. As He guides you, the blessings and the thanksgiving will only increase.
This Thanksgiving season, let’s look around and look within to appreciate all that the father has blessed us with. And as we dine and appreciate His blessings let us also appreciate the giver. Thank God for the wonderful gift of salvation and freedom through Jesus Christ. Thank God for His unconditional love and his faithfulness to mankind. He sends rain, sun and breath in the lungs of all who are born of a woman. Lastly, give thanks for Canada and pray for this nation and its leaders.

I thank God for you dear readers and I welcome you to join me in giving thanks unto the Lord for all of His goodness; each Sunday at 4119 DeMaisonneuve West in Westmount 12pm noon.