Over the past eight years, Pastor Beverly Deroy and Sister Sandra Lynch have been tireless in their
commitment and dedication to do good.
The two evangelists have been the backbone of the small congregation that is the Deliverance Church Of God 7th Day and have invested much of their time and effort spreading the word and assisting the needy.
In pre-pandemic times, Pastor Beverly as she is known around the spiritual community, has been renowned for her diligence in posting and handing out biblical tracks as well as organizing food stations downtown Montreal to offer meals to the homeless.
Almost every year since the Deliverance Church Of God 7th Day was founded the congregation has made financial donations to major food banks and charities across Montreal.
She says Sister Lynch and her children and the handful of other members of the congregation have been the rock behind her.
Although COVID-19 has limited their ability to connect directly with Montrealers, their work continues… the giving and the evangelizing.
On October 23, the small congregation gathered online with fellow evangelists from around Montreal, Toronto and the United States for a virtual celebration of their eight anniversary.
It was a mighty experience for all.
And for that Pastor Beverly wants to express “ big thank you-s” especially to Pastor Morris of the Ebenezer Tabernacle Church for hosting and moderating the Zoom event.
She also wants to recognize those who supported from across Toronto: Pastor Brown, Pastor Brown, Pastor Edwards, Pastor Rose and Pastor Audrey as well as Pastor Scott in Florida and those in New York.
Above all, Pastor Beverly is grateful: “We would like to give GOD thanks and Praise for allowing us to celebrate 8th Anniversary and thanks for all the support received.”