Crimson love for the Black race: You are worth dying for

It is such a beautiful sight when one witnesses the diversity of our races in one setting.

We are almost five months into the year but I am convinced that, together,this year 2019, we are going to change the perspective that, we the Black race has had  about ourselves. We have to learn to appreciate our race, our beauty, our intelligence, our worth and value; even the color of our skin.
Your skin, no matter what it’s shade, is beautiful in the sight of God; because he created it that way. We are living canvases to display the creative and artistic diversity of God’s creation.
So why do we put labels like  light skin, dark skin and medium brown? Some even call themselves mixed color. All of it is nonsense.
The Bible says that “God so loved the world that he gave his only son to die for our sins so that we might have eternal life through faith in Jesus Christ.”
That means the Lord loves mankind so very much. So why can’t we love ourselves? If God created you and made you perfect in his eyes, why do you struggle to see the beauty of the Lord in you?
As for the Black race, I do realize the roots of self-hate and negativity surrounding our image, our frame, our skin, and our hair run deep. Consequently, we have to confront all the racism challenging our personal lives before we can truly help others.
I hear in my spirit that God wants to deal with the secret strongman of racism that has been causing havoc in  Montreal and causing us to deteriorate for years.
The problem cannot only be solved based on physical actions and deeds. It’s a spiritual problem and the Spirit of God wants to bring healing and restoration by releasing the infection.
Just like a pimple that tarnishes the beauty of one’s face, the Lord wants to look  beyond the surface so that our beauty as a people can be seen and appreciated.
God created all mankind, all races, all colours, all languages on planet earth. His intention is for us to live in love and peace. His desire is for us to love one another. Our differences are not for us to segregate or hate one another, but rather for us to compliment each other.
It is such a beautiful sight when one witnesses the diversity of our races in one setting. For example can you imagine a room full of Blacks, whites, Indians, and Asians from all walks of life working in love and unity? This is what heaven will be like and this is what our churches should be like .
We the Black race, in particular, have to make an effort to forgive and both actively and consciously work to starve racism to death. For years we have been feeding this dragon of racism both from a victims position and that of a key player. Let’s not feed it or participate in it anymore.
Begin to say what our creator has been saying: “ you are wonderfully and fearfully made, you are a chosen generation. You are blessed and not cursed,you are the head and not the tail. You are made in the image and likeness of God ”, as a result you are creative, unstoppable, and powerful.
These are the truths from God’s word declaring who you are. Now, in terms of what you can do, you can do ALL things through Christ who gives us strength. Won’t you receive Christ in your heart today?
If that has already been done, trust in His word and let the word transform your life, one day at a time.
This is what Good Friday and  Easter are all about. God became flesh to dwell among us in order to pay the price for sin to give all mankind the opportunity to be reconciled to the father through faith in Jesus Christ. He resurrected because He was always God and He lives. Yes, Christ Jesus lives today.
It’s time to raise your standards and walk with respect, honour and dignity. Don’t let people pull you down. You are precious in God’s sight and of such great worth and value that He gave His life for yours, at Calvary.
As a people, we the Black race need to get tough and not be so easily offended. Be proud of who you are. Be proud of your race, your gender and even of your parents. They are all gifts from God with a purpose to shape you for destiny.
Are you ready to rise up, be all you can be and go to new heights this year? Are you ready to walk in love (towards yourself and others)? If so, you must change your position and your belief system.

O Black people, please know that you are a lovely race vested for equality. Let’s flush out the mentality that the Black race is lesser than.

Happy Easter To Everyone from Pastor Julianna
Please join us for Sunday service at 12 noon 4119 DeMaisonneuve W., corner Wood ave (Atwater metro).