Color of Science: insider knowledge on Education

Color of Science: insider knowledge on Education

Contact Staff

Two of our community most illustrious academics will deliver a powerful message on the importance of Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics (STEAM) to learners in the Black community at the annual Color of Science conference on Sunday, February 22, at 3pm at the Redpath Museum of Mc Gill University, 859 Sherbrooke Street West
Dr. Bertley, a Montreal native is now a senior VP of Science and Education, at the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia where he works on improving the quality of Science education as well as improving Science literacy for families and the non-scientist adult population.
He has been a speaker at several distinguished institutions including The United Nations, The White House, the US Department of Interior, the National Academy of Sciences and the National Science Foundation in the U.S., as well as in Canada, the Caribbean, South America, Europe, and Africa.
Dr. Charmaine Nelson, Associate Professor of Art History at McGill University has also distinguished her in her field and is an authority in the Visual Culture of Slavery, Race and Representation and Black Canadian Studies field.
The Color of Science is coordinated by the Garvey Institute in collaboration with McGill University and is billed as a unique Science and Arts mash-up.
The objective is to encourage students and other interested individuals to jump-start their careers and futures.
For more info, 514-398-4094.