Have you ever looked back at a missed opportunity and thought thank God I dodged that bullet?
Looking back that’s how you might have felt but initially you were probably upset and disappointed when you didn’t get what you thought you wanted.
What you think you want and what you really need doesn’t always line up. There’s a reason that the door was closed… a reason that you may or may not ever understand.
Sometimes you just have to be grateful for the no’s that you’ve received in your life because that ‘no’ can sometimes be a blessing.
When God closes a door you have to keep it closed and accept that whatever was behind it was not for you at the time.
When a door is closed we shouldn’t try to knock it down, climb through a window or find another entrance, it’s closed for a reason. Keep it shut!
Doors may be closed because of the timing, or for your protection, or it just may not be your door.
A closed door can redirect us towards God’s will for us. It may hurt and you may feel disappointed, you may even feel angry, we’ve all been there.
So, you have to acknowledge your hurt; take the time to grieve your losses and then begin the process of moving forward and finding the door that was meant for you.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.
Seek His will in all you do, and HE WILL show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6
Don’t try to force something that isn’t meant to be. I know that it’s not always easy letting go but sometimes it’s necessary.
Be patient, be teachable, be prepared, look for new opportunities around you and wait expectantly for the next open door and through it all be grateful. Gratitude always changes your perspective.
You may not understand everything right now, but closed doors challenge us to keep seeking, to grow as a person, to keep holding on to our faith, to keep hoping and to begin taking steps in new directions.
God knows what you need and what you don’t need and sometimes we just need to be re-directed.
Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end: Seneca
We have a choice… become bitter or seek out new and better opportunities.