… There I was at the beginning of this week sitting in front of the computer listening to talk radio, at the same time thinking and hoping to extract something of substance to write about, a sort of mentally gruelling task in itself.
Then I’m soon drawn into “the more things change…” territory. Sure, there’re any number of things going on in this mad, mad world to think and write about — just ask our old friend Marvin, if you could connect with him; he might provide an answer — but are they interesting? Sure, if you’re living and it’s happening it will be of interest to some…
Different strokes…
So because my daily companion, my radio, is always active, first thing in the morning, it always has something to say, most but is it interesting? That’s relative and always personal in the grand human scheme of things…
Nevertheless, there I was locked in the radio conversations…
As the old saying goes,“Old habits die hard.” Not my radio listening habits though. Which forced my better half, ‘she who must be obeyed’, to once quip-lash (my radio): saying, “You hold it more than me…” Oh boy.
Well… to that I believed I came back with an apropos quip: everything has its purpose, humans though are irreplaceable.
Oh, yes, ideas were coming… during my thinking process, my mind took me on a roaming journey, to something of substance, an old Temptations song about life, existence and how some people in the world back then were being impacted, human beings yesteryear and today, a sort of ‘the more some things change, the more they remain the same” sentiment about something of substance to times, along with some listening… in this case thinking of matters of interest to me, but more importantly to others, the proverbial wider audience. In that whole exercise some words/thoughts came to mind… from that old Temptations song from back in the day, about the confusing state of the world.
Which prompted me to stretch my legs.
I moved from the computer, walked to the radio and switched to another one I try not to miss. It offers interesting programs worth listening to, from the political to the social.
Coincidentally and interestingly that Temptations song I had been thinking about earlier, Ball of Confusion, was sampled as a set-up to the next subject to be discussed on the NPR outlet south of the border. Always interesting talk radio.
Given the socio-political times, including the scourge and prevalence of guns and murders in America, and ours here, and the divisive political-referendum talk here and the usual hodge-podge of conversations always heating up audiences on the other side of the border, it made for an easy and productive writing mood and period.
The Ball Of Confusion riff and tone only helped to set the mood And was greeted by a Temptations riff for their popular seventies hit Ball of Confusion.” I couldn’t believe my ears. There was an appropriate song for life as it is for the period in time we’re living… depending on some peoples’ current lives and existences that some people see are living — guns and carnage, along with contentious politics on one side, contentious politics, including talk of separation and literally divisive political conversation on the other.
Ball of Confusion either way you say?
Perhaps for prospective, hopeful non-French-speaking emigrants to (the new independent nation/country on the North American continent, Quebec?
Time will determine that.