What Do You Expect? Opinions

What Do You Expect?

Can you believe that the holiday season is right around the corner? I’m sure that you have some expectations about what your holiday should be like. Many of you...

Thank-You! Opinions


Reflect upon your present blessings, of which every man has many, not on your past misfortunes, of which all men have some. [Charles Dickens] It’s US Thanksgiving week, so...

Goals? But It’s Only November Opinions

Goals? But It’s Only November

You’re probably wondering why I’m talking about goals in November. We are all a work in progress, and it’s never too early to begin changing the things in your...

Perfectly Happy Opinions

Perfectly Happy

Are you waiting for the perfect time to be happy? Don’t wait for everything to be perfect to start enjoying your life. Sometimes we choose to postpone our happiness...

Stormy Weather Opinions

Stormy Weather

Sometimes life can be full of frustrations, losses, heartbreaks, disappointments, and challenges. We all go through stormy seasons in life and we wait expectantly for the sun to begin...

An Exercise In Self-Reflection Opinions

An Exercise In Self-Reflection

How many times has someone asked you how you’re doing and your response was I’m okay? But were you really doing okay? Were you telling them the truth? Were...

You’ve Got This! Opinions

You’ve Got This!

You really are stronger than you think… You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have. Mental and spiritual strength is just...

Grief Opinions


Be comforted. It’s been said that grief is the price that we pay for love… While I was home recently in Montreal I had the opportunity to speak to...

“How soon ‘not now’ becomes never.” Martin Luther King Jr. Opinions

“How soon ‘not now’ becomes never.” Martin Luther King Jr.

Wait! Wait! Are you that person who keeps putting things off? Are you a procrastinator? Procrastination is putting off something for tomorrow that you can do today. It’s postponing...

The Choices We Make Opinions

The Choices We Make

Life is a matter of choices, and every choice you make makes you. John Maxwell We are the end result of the choices that we’ve made. We are faced...